Fintech Marketing SEO Company

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Scott Keever SEO provides Google approved methods to increase your rankings and online visibility. Our performance speaks for itself, let us help your clients find you the same way you found us.

We have over three decades of combined SEO experience

200+ websites ranked across multiple industries

How to Drive Traffic to Your Company Website Even If You’re Not an SEO Expert

Are you making enough sales to get by but not getting the volume of business you’re looking for? Would you like to boost your online presence but don’t know where to start? When you feel like you’ve hit a wall in business, it can be hard to see the best way forward. You know your business, and you know your customers. You’re confident that you can close the deal if you can simply get more people contacting you. All you really need is enough new leads to make those critical sales. And the best way to get those leads is by appearing on page 1 of the Google search results when people are looking for your services online.

Fintech Marketing and SEO: A Complete Guide Fintech Marketing

What Is Fintech Marketing?
Fintech marketing centers around generating traffic and increasing visibility for fintech companies. A fintech company provides financial services through technology with artificial intelligence to make these services more accessible to customers and authorities in the financial services sector and other industries. Mobile apps, financial products like point-of-sale software, and buy-now-pay-later services are some of the most common examples of fintech.
Thanks to an increasingly saturated market, fintech marketing is necessary now more than ever. The fintech industry is exceptionally competitive, making it difficult for businesses to gain the visibility they need to market their services — especially as traditional financial institutions develop their own emerging technologies.
From a consumer standpoint, the fintech industry might not be that exciting, also contributing to the marketing problems these companies face.
Customers want the same thing from a fintech service as they do from any other business in the financial services industry: transparency and trustworthiness. Fintech companies must reach their target audience effectively with a great strategy as these factors will soon be the standard for the entire industry. The broad spectrum of fintech marketing means you can deeply customize your strategy to reach a successful outcome.
Fintech marketing consists of the various marketing efforts that financial technology companies can utilize to resolve traffic and visibility issues. From engaging pay-per-click campaigns to uploading valuable content, there is something for every business. Fintech marketers use various digital marketing tools to analyze competition, employ marketing campaigns, and improve business growth with effective long-term fintech marketing strategies.
Effective Fintech Marketing Strategies
Financial services are a boring part of business processes and regular consumer activity, but at the same time, the industry expects to see fintech steering the business model in upcoming years. Fintech brands’ strategies for marketing must make up for this with creative, eye-catching campaigns, follow best practices online, offer incredible value, and maintain consistent customer engagement. Your fintech team will find several effective marketing strategies for your brand, such as the following:
  • Ensuring your website is responsive across mobile devices
  • Providing valuable advice for those struggling to navigate a challenging financial situation
  • Creating a brand that stands out
  • Engaging with target audiences
  • Taking advertising to the Internet
  • Establishing quality partnerships in the fintech space

Types of Marketing for Fintech

There are several types of fintech marketing helpful in drawing new customers, making your fintech brand more visible, and obtaining a portion of the market share. Depending on the needs of a fintech company, digital marketers may employ any of the following types of marketing:
Branding: Unique branding and an easily recognizable logo can significantly impact your fintech brand’s online presence.
Pay-per-click campaigns: You can directly target specific audiences with PPC campaigns and naturally place digital ads among other content.
Social media marketing: Online platforms are the fastest way to engage with customers and build awareness for fintech brands.
Search engine optimization: The heart of any marketing campaign, SEO is crucial in creating website visibility with on-page, off-page, and technical optimization.
Affiliate and influencer marketing: Partnering with affiliates and influencers such as industry bloggers and media owners to promote a fintech company’s product can help gain new users’ trust.
Email marketing: Using your website’s email list can help you promote your products or services and share valuable content with those who are directly interested.
Content marketing: Creating articles for specific audiences and implementing proper SEO practices throughout content can boost your position in search results pages.
Partnership marketing: Partnering with other financial companies and brands for sponsorships and other collaborative marketing efforts can be effective for identifying customer demands and gaining new customers.
Community marketing: One of the most personal and effective methods to market fintech companies is by involving your target audience in development through crowdfunding and feedback.

SEO for Fintech Companies: The Core to Any Fintech Marketing Strategy

Traditional banks and other businesses in the fintech sector can utilize digital marketing campaigns to grow their business tenfold. One type of marketing fintech companies should not go without as part of their marketing strategy is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is the key component of many digital marketing strategies and helps grow organic traffic by placing your website’s pages high in Google search results pages.
Most Google users don’t go past the first page of results. If your website isn’t on the first page, your chances of getting quality viewers are not great. However, SEO is excellent for taking advantage of Google’s algorithms and implementing strategies that improve your SEO score.
Fintech brands require a customer-centric approach to strategy. Marketers can access big data more easily now, thanks to artificial intelligence and other new technologies. They then can use this data to build an SEO strategy to improve your website and the user experience and begin link building or developing a content marketing strategy.
Social media marketing: Online platforms are the fastest way to engage with customers and build awareness for fintech brands.
Types of SEO
Without SEO, any marketing strategy will be unsuccessful. Because SEO has many aspects, poorly met criteria can tank companies’ ranking on Google. The following types of SEO aim to increase your web traffic and visibility:
On-page SEO: Optimizing your financial company’s website for search engines includes website content, metadata, keywords. On-page SEO directly raises your position in Google’s SERP.
Off-page SEO: Off-page SEO positions you as an authority and builds brand exposure through link building on trusted websites. Ways to build trust off-site include linking to your site in a blog post or establishing relationships with online publications.
Technical SEO: The user experience is also a part of SEO, with the technical side handling search engine crawling, improving page loading speed, and ensuring mobile responsiveness.

The Benefits of SEO for Financial Services

As financial services and fintech companies try to get ahead of competing industry authorities, SEO is the route to take to increase visitors and secure a first-page ranking. SEO can help many companies reap the following benefits:
Rank Higher in Google’s Search Engine Results Pages
Including natural-sounding keywords and phrases with consistently high search counts within your website’s content is a direct way to position your brand at the top of the SERP.
Gain Organic Traffic
Organic traffic is a significant factor in consistent financial returns. A fintech marketing campaign’s SEO targets audiences in the industry so they can find your website easily.
Avoid Paid Advertising
While pay-per-click campaigns can be beneficial, they can also be costly because of fintech’s high saturation. With the right SEO, you can gain an audience just as effectively and avoid ad campaigns.
Position Your Fintech Brand as an Authority
Without first instilling confidence and trust in your potential customers, you won’t make sales. Your brand also needs to communicate the company’s message and goal authentically. By providing search engine optimized content, your brand can better establish conversions.
Improve Website Experience for Visitors
An excellent user experience for your website’s visitors will help you to gain customers. A brand can improve its website’s functionality, content, and more through on-page and off-page SEO. When customers can access information easily, quickly, and securely, this results in conversions.
Increase Long-term Financial Returns
Because SEO is not a cheap service, it can seem like your investment was for nothing until you start seeing results. It takes time to analyze competitors, strategize plans for improving the brand’s content, gather necessary information, and produce the content. However, once pages start ranking, your return on investment will improve as your financial customer conversion rates go up.
Opens Up Opportunities
As a fintech company’s Google SERP rankings improve because of SEO, it becomes more enticing for other companies and financial services to build partnerships or collaborate with them. These opportunities can open other fintech business endeavors and revenue streams.

PPC for Fintech

A pay-per-click ad campaign is most effective when combined with an SEO campaign. The flexible nature of a PPC campaign means you can target the audience you want while improving SEO. Because PPC has no bearing on organic search results, you can also focus on specific keywords simultaneously to increase brand exposure.
However, there are some essential things to understand when it comes to PPC campaigns.
PPC Can Get Expensive
Fintech is one of the most expensive industries for PPC ads, so knowing how much you could pay and still have a positive return is necessary. Financial companies can create campaigns with keywords that get them the most results for the money by analyzing competitor keywords. Higher ranking yet vague keywords have more competition, resulting in a higher price per click and fewer conversions.
Campaigns Are Flexible
It’s also easy to change goals with a PPC campaign, so your digital marketing agency can make strategic adjustments if the efforts aren’t fruitful after several months. Adjusting your target location or creating a separate landing page for your campaign instead of using your product or service’s website can make a considerable difference.
Landing Pages Convert
PPC campaigns often require a campaign landing page to entice and convert potential customers successfully. A landing page should introduce your financial services, explain their selling points, show testimonials, and contain other essential details to pique consumers’ interest. A landing page that focuses only on providing necessary information will lead to more conversions.
Although they take time to implement with SEO strategies, financial institutions can significantly benefit from PPC campaigns. The doubled advantage of focused PPC campaigns and SEO campaigns both allowing high-ranking keywords means your simultaneous campaigns can bring excellent results as your business grows.
Social Media for FintechWith so many different ventures, the fintech industry is challenging to succeed in, but social media is a big answer to this struggle. However, it poses both a challenge and an enormous benefit to fintech companies. Its unpredictable nature can be challenging to navigate, but your company can be successful if you engage with the right audience.
Customer engagement is a vital part of social media marketing for financial services. Companies can gain exposure on social media platforms by providing thought-provoking content or answering customer questions. Additionally, targeting specific keywords on social media can also be beneficial. Through a successful social media strategy, your brand should:
Instill Trust
A financial business people will want to choose creates trust through being honest and transparent. Whether it’s disclosing company earnings or being transparent in another way, customers appreciate a trustworthy service.
Feel Relatable
Customers are more than just statistics, and social media is a prime opportunity to humanize your company. Being relatable to the average person can entice them to become a new customer. Your brand’s campaign should show the positive impact your financial product or service has on everyday people.
Inspire Employees
Your employees are a vital part of your company’s operation. Customers want to feel connected to your brand, and employee advocacy via social media is an excellent way to showcase the benefits of your product or service to potential customers. Your brand should inspire your employees so they can offer honest feedback.
Be Strategic
Social media has valuable insights into traffic, customer engagement, sales, conversion rates, and more. Your brand should be able to take this information and implement a better strategy to make your activity go further.
Unfortunately, offering an intuitive product or financial service won’t be enough to launch you through the market, but with the help of an online platform, you can create brand awareness and draw in new customers.

Influencer Marketing for Fintech

Influencer marketing involves your company hiring a leading influencer to promote your financial product or service to their following. Often, influencers promote a brand via social media posts.
Consumers trust influential figures’ opinions enough to buy the products they support.
Brand exposure and visibility are immediately achievable when your company is positioned high above competing companies.
Why an Influencer Is Worth the Investment
Hiring an influencer may not seem that important, but it can be especially effective if you already have implemented SEO and other types of marketing for your site. Here are a few reasons why this type of marketing can be helpful:
Reach Younger Demographics
Young people are more technology-oriented, making them an ideal target audience for financial technology companies to market their products and services. Influencers can reach these audiences more successfully, so you can build a customer base that grows with your company.
Gain Credibility
People tend to trust what their idols say about the products and services they use, making influencers an excellent way for your brand to gain credibility on a large scale. It’s common to see this with banking apps and moneylending services.
Resonate With Audiences
An influencer has considerable experience creating relatable messages to promote products. Choosing an influencer in your industry can be especially helpful as they know how to craft posts that connect your product with customer demands. Word of mouth can be especially helpful to market traditional banks and local financial institutions, as can content creation such as reviews and videos.
Benefit Others
Because the industry’s reputation doesn’t particularly excite people, banks and other services must do what they can to benefit the community. An influencer can show the benefits of a financial company’s services and highlight generous contributions without making them appear ingenuine.
Increase Customer Engagement
The first response to interest in a new product or service is typically curiosity. Potential customers who see an influencer’s post about your product will generate leads and drive people to engage with your website.

Affiliate Marketing Programs for Fintech

Affiliate marketing programs are similar to hiring an influencer in that influential figures and leading authorities in the financial tech industry partner with fintech companies to promote products or services. However, affiliate marketing programs differ slightly. A company hires a third party affiliate to promote their offerings who receive payment when:
New customers purchase the business’s products.
The affiliate draws in a certain amount of traffic.
Additional payment may be in the form of free products or discounted services.
How Fintech Businesses Can Benefit From Affiliate Marketing Programs
Because of the enticing benefits of an affiliate marketing program, it’s worth it to feature one on your website. It’s also an excellent way to build relationships with consumers or tackle link building with other businesses. Affiliate marketing programs are popular for the following benefits:
Increase Business Visibility
Affiliates spread your business’s name around to bring in referrals, which increases brand awareness and visibility. By including an affiliate program on your website, you can spread awareness worldwide as international traffic reaches your site through SEO and other tactics.
Regulate Affiliate Promotion
When you control your promotional content, affiliates can authentically market your services while ensuring the information they share is accurate. You can also ensure your program complies with FTC and FINRA regulations.
Excellent Strategy Flexibility
Companies can adapt affiliate marketing programs to their changing needs. As your strategy changes, you can adjust your affiliate marketing program to help you achieve other goals and retain a group of marketers to spread brand awareness.
Gain Customers
Customer conversions are the key to generating more income. While it can take months to gain new customers through other types of marketing, affiliate marketing is one of the quicker ways to gain a following and make sales.
Save Money
Affiliate programs typically don’t pay unless affiliates meet quotas, so creating an affiliate marketing program can be more economical. Companies save money as they are in control of all aspects of the affiliate program other than marketing.
Better Return on Investment
Referrals and affiliate programs often have a better ROI than other types of marketing programs. By partnering with affiliates whose opinion friends, family, and followers trust, you can get a significant return on investment.

Why Scott Keever SEO Is the Premier Fintech Partner?

Scott Keever SEO is a boutique firm that focuses on growing your business with consistent, impactful SEO. We help small businesses delight customers and outperform leading competitors by improving brand visibility, driving traffic to company websites, and increasing social media engagement. We handle every aspect of your business’s marketing at our firm to ensure your financial situation only improves.
We have extensive experience creating successful marketing strategies for companies in the fintech world and serve as the leading marketing authority for businesses across many industries.We focus on providing excellent value for our clients by developing the perfect marketing strategy. Taking a personal approach to SEO, we use tried-and-true tactics to bring high-quality, organic traffic to your company.We are the leading partner in Tampa when you need to stand out against local businesses. Our firm is also a Google-certified partner, meaning we know exactly how to implement SEO to improve your Google ranking. When you want to ensure your money will be well-spent on marketing, try Scott Keever SEO.

Choosing a Partner for Your Marketing Plan

Having a reliable and meticulous partner to carry out your marketing strategy is essential to campaign success in the financial technology world. Your marketing partner must offer significant benefits, ample flexibility, and effectively communicate your company’s message. Other criteria you should consider when choosing a partner includes:
Your partner must fit into the overall strategy for your company. They must prioritize your company’s goals and create a strategy that can grow over time rather than offer quick fixes.
It’s essential to choose a partner that you can connect with, as you will communicate frequently. A consultation is the best time to ask questions to see if an SEO agency like Scott Keever SEO is right for you.
The best collaboration often comes from the same vision. Ask your prospective agency about their vision and see if it aligns with yours.
Scott Keever SEO stands as the leading SEO authority for fintech businesses in Tampa, the surrounding areas, and across the country. Whether you need better visibility among search pages or authoritative content for your website, we can create a customized strategy that grows your business effectively. We are here for you with a free consultation to discuss your company’s needs.