World Class SEO | Team

Dentist SEO

At Scott Keever SEO we offer Internet Marketing Services, Website Design, and Advertising Services for all types of businesses. Let us help your business get the online exposure it needs to succeed.


Grow Customers

Let us help you drive more customers to your website. More customers means more revenue to your business.

Increase Exposure With SEO

Give your business the boost it needs to be seen by new clients. You have customers looking for you, let us help them find you

Increase Revenue

Help your companies revenue grow by attracting new customers and ranking over your competition. Let us help!

Let's Be Partners

Not only are we here to improve your Search Engine Rankings we are also your partner. We will become one of your companies most useful resources. We have years of experience and resources.

SEO Insider

We have trained with some of the best SEO experts in the industry. We attend weekly webinars and mastermind groups with the countries leading SEOs. These connections help set us apart.

Monthly Reporting

We keep you up to date with your websites progress with monthly reporting. We work closely with you to ensure we help you achieve your businesses goals. Communication is key!

Our Results-driven Approach

Scott Keever SEO provides Google approved methods to increase your rankings and online visibility. Our performance speaks for itself, let us help your clients find you the same way you found us.

How to Drive Traffic to Your Company Website Even If You’re Not an SEO Expert

Are you making enough sales to get by but not getting the volume of business you’re looking for? Would you like to boost your online presence but don’t know where to start? When you feel like you’ve hit a wall in business, it can be hard to see the best way forward. You know your business, and you know your customers. You’re confident that you can close the deal if you can simply get more people contacting you. All you really need is enough new leads to make those critical sales. And the best way to get those leads is by appearing on page 1 of the Google search results when people are looking for your services online.
Discuss your SEO with one of our strategists

Take the Guesswork Out of Your Digital Marketing

It’s important to know who you’re working with when hiring a digital marketing expert. With a background in sales, marketing, and retail management, Scott has been helping business owners get more pre-qualified leads through their websites since 2011. Today, Scott runs a successful internet marketing firm with offices in Cincinnati and Tampa. Using safe and proven SEO techniques, the team will drive relevant visitors to your website – bringing you more customer enquiries by making sure your web pages rank higher in searches. This way internet searches find your website before a competitor’s site.
Cleveland SEO

All About Our SEO For Dentist Service

Dentists are thoroughly skilled professionals, who simply have very little time to waste. These individuals are responsible for keeping their client’s dental health in top shape, while providing them with insight into maintaining the condition of their teeth. Suffice to say, they’re in the office eight to ten hours each and every day. Nonetheless, the dentistry market can be enormously competitive and this is true throughout the country. Implementing an SEO for dentist is paramount, but these professionals may not have time to carry out these activities on their own. We’re here to help.
We offer high-quality, incredibly efficient SEO services for dentists throughout the country. With our assistance, dental offices will attract new clients and substantially increase their foot traffic. Below, you’ll learn more about our services.

An Overview Of Our Dentist Internet Marketing

Although you may have perfect your craft, you might not know a great deal about search engine optimization or Internet marketing. Allow me to give you a brief explanation. Search engine optimization, or SEO, comprises of techniques utilized to enhance a site’s credence and status with the world’s top search engines. With millions and millions of Americans utilizing Google each and every day, dentists need to ensure their sites remain near the top of Google’s search results. An effective dentist SEO marketing campaign will make that possible.
I have rigorously experimented with an abundance of SEO techniques and have learned the secret the hard way. My SEO services will be able to rank your dentistry site and increase your visibility amongst your potential clients. The end result will equate to a more valuable website and more profits for your practice.

Need Help Choosing A Dentist SEO Marketing Expert?

If you need assistance choosing an SEO expert, you’ve come to the right place. The sad true is that the Internet is oversaturated with so-called SEO experts. Unfortunately, the mass majority of “experts” are not experts at all. Many of these individuals will be able to provide you with backgrounds, but those backlinks may be of low quality and therefore ineffective. In order to truly excel, it is essential to choose an SEO technician, who wins when you win. That is exactly what you’ve found with us.
We sincerely care about our clients. While we do depend on our SEO skills to generate an income, our primary goal is to help others. Dentists need assistance and they’re good hearted people. You aim to help others and so do we! When you work with us, you will enter into a partnership with us. Together, we will reach more people and deliver the betterment you’ve always dreamed of.

Dentist SEO: Where It Begins

Unlike other dentist SEO service providers, we’re substantially different. Before the work gets underway, we will work directly with you and your dentistry company. We will consult with you for a prolonged period of time, until we’re able to learn more about your business, your budget and your goals. We sincerely understand that all clients are unique and their preferences will vary widely. Through a thorough consultation with each client, we will be able to adapt our services to better accommodate the precise needs of the client. We can help you excel in your local area. Or, if you wish to expand nationally, we’ll also be able to help.
Once we’ve learned more about you and your needs, we’ll be able to formulate a more efficient strategy, which will ensure success and fit into your budget.

Building Rapport With Clients - SEO Dentist

As a dentist, it is highly likely that you spend a large quantity of your day speaking with your clients. Whether they’re old or young, these individuals have something to say and you will be their ear, as long as they’re in your chair. Building a good rapport with your clients is also important in the digital realm. Many people are afraid of the dentist and you will need to calm their nerves, in order to convince them to utilize your services. This is where we’ll enter the picture. We’ll put each and every one of our tools to use to help you connect and communicate with your potential clients.
We’ll give you a voice online through your very own website, as well as various social medial portals. With the right content on the appropriate platforms, we’ll be able to convince consumers to trust you and your business. This will encourage them to use your services, when they’re in need of a good dentist.

Increasing Visibility - Dental Practice SEO

Above all else, the most important goal for dentists is to get people into their offices and on their chairs. There are numerous ways to achieve this goal, but ignoring the Internet will prove to be a costly mistake in the long run. The Internet is used by millions of Americans daily and you can quickly turn these individuals into long-term clients with a little persistence. We offer the most efficient Internet marketing services for dental experts. Improving your company’s visibility in the local community and the national scenes is immensely vital to the overall success of your business. We can help you acquire additional visibility through the use of our innovative SEO service.
By making your website search engine friendly and driving powerful backlinks to said site, we’ll be able to move your site higher and higher up Google’s ladder. Eventually, we’ll be able to achieve the ultimate goal of getting your site to rank on Google’s first search results page. Once this has been achieved, your visibility will be enormously increased. Anytime a consumer in your area decides to look for a dentist, your name will pop up and this will encourage them to utilize your services. We can also increase your company’s visibility through other means, including local directories, social media, and more.

Local SEO For Dentists

The mass majority of dentists will want to make sure their site is available to all local consumers. This is when local SEO will be a necessity. Consumers within your local community will be the most likely to utilize your services. Therefore, you will need to advertise to these individuals directly. This requires strategic placement of carefully selected keywords on your website. Obtaining the appropriate backlinks will also be pertinent. Our team of skilled SEO experts will be able to carry out these activities for you. We’ll do everything within our power to ensure your site ranks at the top of Google’s results for your keywords and your local community.

Cosmetic Dentist SEO - Return On Investment

Dentists and other intelligent business owners will wholeheartedly understand getting the most out of their money. These individuals expect to receive the best for their money and that is what we aim to deliver. We strive to provide our clients with the absolute maximum ROI possible. Remember that the work does not conclude when your site climbs to the top of Google. In fact, it is quite the contrary. This is the point when the work truly begins. Once your website has hit the top spot, your competitors will come after you relentlessly.
While other SEO companies will take your money and drift into the sunset, we’ll remain by your side for the long run. We will continue strengthening your site’s SEO profile to ensure your site continues to remain above the rest. We sincerely believe this helps to provide our clients with the most ROI humanely possible. Add this to our relentless dedication, excellent customer service and we believe our services could be classified as a bargain.

SEO For Dentist Tips - Reputation Management

In the real world, your reputation as a dentist will depend on the type of service you provide your patients. However, this is not the case for the virtual world. Your reputation will depend your website’s search engine ranking. Ranking #1 will definitely ensure your online ranking and if you have negative customer reviews floating around the Internet, you may very well need to maintain a high ranking on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Many dentists are not familiar with SEO, which is only common, which is why you need to rely on use as your main reputation management service. It is not unusual for medical professionals to have a few negative reviews, because there are some people that are very difficult to please. If your website is ranked #1 on Goggle, this is exactly what individuals searching for dental services in your vicinity will notice first. This ranking will overshadow everything else and put you in good standing with potential new patients.

Increase Website Traffic With SEO For Dental Practice

Our SEO skills is guaranteed to push your website up to the top of the first search engine page. While you are focused on providing your patients with excellent dental services, our focus will be strategizing a plan to help you achieve the best ranking possible. We hand select relative search terms and embed them into interesting and informative content. Individuals, searching for specific information, service providers, products, and everyday news, utilize these search terms. Search engines also utilize these terms to help users find exactly what they are looking, by matching your website to their search criteria.
The more often your website appears at the top of the SERP page, the higher your chances of drawing in more traffic to your website. Every visitor is a potential new patient. Above all else, we’ll make sure your new traffic is utilized to your advantage. We will deliver the highest conversion rates humanely possible, so your new traffic will actually equate to higher profits! If we can achieve that goal, your dentistry business will benefit enormously.

Why Choose Scott Keever SEO Dentist?

Again, there are numerous SEO companies out there and all of them are currently vying for your business. It is no secret that the majority of these groups will prove to be letdowns very quickly. Our company has perfected our services and we sincerely care about you. We will do everything humanely possible to maximize your success. What makes us different?

No Obligations

It is truly in our best interest to make sure the client receives the results they desire and deserve. Since we do not require clients to enter into a contract with our company, there is never an obligation for the client to continue working with us. At any point in time, they can cease utilizing our services. This encourages us to deliver the best service humanely possible. If we falter in any way whatsoever, the client can easily cancel their subscription and stop paying for their services. We enjoy the challenge and this forces us to continue improving and delivering the results you’ve come to expect!

We’re Ready To Begin

Our team of experts is highly skills and incredibly motivated. We’re always ready for a new project and love being introduced to a new dentist. We are ready to begin working on your behalf. Be sure to contact us right away to learn more about us and our services. We eager to hear from you!

Mobile Search Optimization For Dentist SEO

Google just recently announced last week that every website must be mobile friendly. If the website is not mobile-friendly, it will be penalized. Millions of individuals are now more in tune with their smartphone and other mobile devices than a desktop computer. These individuals utilize their mobile devices to shop, perform searches, pay bills, watch movies, and play apps. Creating a website that looks good on mobile devices can be challenging, but we excel in this area.
We will make sure your website is displayed by Google and looks stunning on all platforms. Your content, images, and other media will be displayed to mobile users fluidly and beautifully. The navigation will be seamless, so the user can find the information they need without going anywhere else. This combination will ensure that the client goes from your website to your office and a profit is generated.

Drive Relevant Traffic From Visitors in Miami to Your Webpage With SEO Services That Actually Work!

Are you ready to get more relevant visitors to your webpage and boost your sales? If you’re nodding your head “yes”, then contact Scott Keever SEO to schedule a free consultation.
You’ll speak with Scott to learn if SEO in Miami is right for your business, and to see if you’re a good fit to work together.
During your conversation with him, you will also discover the specifics of how your business can benefit from web optimization -and which strategy and action plan is best for your individual business.
To sign up for a free consultation, simply go to the application page and fill in your details. There’s no obligation but there is an incredible opportunity to see what we can do for you.
Speak with Scott Keever SEO and start driving new business through your website today!
Note: We stand behind our work – so we only work with established businesses with proven products and services that have a positive reputation in the community.
If you want to boost your business’ profile, you can try and rank your website yourself.
Or you can try collaborating with lower quality, amateur SEO services and hope it works out.
But why risk your company’s reputation like that?
The best option to safely rank higher and generate new leads is to sign up for a free consultation with Scott Keever SEO and find out how he can boost your business the easy way.


Our successful strategy will help your practice become more visible to local customers looking for dental services.
Check out our video to learn how we can increase traffic and revenue for your dental practice

Free Consultation

If you are ready to start your SEO Lawyer campaign contact us today to get started!