Lawyer SEO

At Scott Keever SEO we offer Internet Marketing Services, Website Design, and Advertising Services for all types of businesses. Let us help your business get the online exposure it needs to succeed.

Grow Customers

Let us help you drive more customers to your website. More customers means more revenue to your business.

Increase Exposure With SEO

Give your business the boost it needs to be seen by new clients. You have customers looking for you, let us help them find you

Increase Revenue

Help your companies revenue grow by attracting new customers and ranking over your competition. Let us help!

Let's Be Partners

Not only are we here to improve your Search Engine Rankings we are also your partner. We will become one of your companies most useful resources. We have years of experience and resources.

SEO Insider

We have trained with some of the best SEO experts in the industry. We attend weekly webinars and mastermind groups with the countries leading SEOs. These connections help set us apart.

Monthly Reporting

We keep you up to date with your websites progress with monthly reporting. We work closely with you to ensure we help you achieve your businesses goals. Communication is key!

Our Results-driven Approach

Scott Keever SEO provides Google approved methods to increase your rankings and online visibility. Our performance speaks for itself, let us help your clients find you the same way you found us.

How to Drive Traffic to Your Company Website Even If You’re Not an SEO Expert

Are you making enough sales to get by but not getting the volume of business you’re looking for? Would you like to boost your online presence but don’t know where to start? When you feel like you’ve hit a wall in business, it can be hard to see the best way forward. You know your business, and you know your customers. You’re confident that you can close the deal if you can simply get more people contacting you. All you really need is enough new leads to make those critical sales. And the best way to get those leads is by appearing on page 1 of the Google search results when people are looking for your services online.
Discuss your SEO with one of our strategists

Take the Guesswork Out of Your Digital Marketing

It’s important to know who you’re working with when hiring a digital marketing expert. With a background in sales, marketing, and retail management, Scott has been helping business owners get more pre-qualified leads through their websites since 2011. Today, Scott runs a successful internet marketing firm with offices in Cincinnati and Tampa. Using safe and proven SEO techniques, the team will drive relevant visitors to your website – bringing you more customer enquiries by making sure your web pages rank higher in searches. This way internet searches find your website before a competitor’s site.

Law Firm Marketing Can Help Grow Your Clientele

Lawyer SEO or Search Engine Optimization for lawyers is the term utilized for enhancing visibility in search engine results. This process is involves targeting specific keywords and key phrases that show value. As a lawyer, you will need to a moderately high clientele to succeed in today’s world. Of course, it is also necessary to reach out to a target audience, so you can continue to grow your business. SEO will play a huge role in this process and you should take advantage of it every chance you get.

Becoming More Visible With Lawyer Marketing

The three top search engines, Yahoo, Bing, and Google utilize the terms and words that Internet users type into the search browser. These keywords become so very important, because they are actually how the search engine finds the domain and indexes it in the results. Lawyer SEO will target several different forms of search, including academic, local, image, and video search. If a search engine user is looking for specific content or services relevant to your profession and your website has been optimized, they will be directed to it. The user will have a selection of domains to choose from, if your lands at the top of the results page, you will receive more traffic than those near the bottom. Being at the top of the results page basically means that your domain will have a high level of visibility.
Scott and team are certified in Google Adwords and Analytics and has 25+ years of combined experience serving the Miami area with high-quality SEO that provides real, lasting results. Scott takes pride in developing relationships with his clients and helping
them with their latest projects in a powerful way. Scott pours his passion for SEO into every project and client. His mission is to help provide the services that will take your project to the next level by optimizing the way you use SEO to drive business to your site and increase conversions, putting you at the top of your niche on the web.

Lawyer Internet Marketing: Best Form Of Advertisement

The key terms and words mentioned above must embedded into the content on your website. SEO for lawyer and attorneys will always the best form of advertising available, because it can help professionals like you reach a broader audience. It is also important to include your business address in the footer and content, as well. This will help individuals that live in the same vicinity locate your law firm in the search engine results. Most users performing searches for public service data will include the name of their city, state, town, or providence with the search term.
While, it is extremely important to embed these key terms in the website content, the search engine positioning will be even more important. If your domain does not fall in the top three spots on the results page, it will not receive many hits. Most users feel that the top three domains on the list are the most reliable, even though they may not be.

Law Firm SEO: Organic Backlinks

Organic backlinks are a necessity, because without them the website will not be visible in the search engine results. The higher number of organic backlinks your website has will determine the search engine ranking. The type of backlink will determine its significance. For instance, backlinks from authoritative websites will be classified on a higher scale than those from spam sites.

The Importance Of SEO For Lawyers

There is a possibility that you’ve already created a website for your law firm. This is a good start, but you’re far from over.

A website will not amount to much, unless you have properly advertised and marketed the site. Setting up an effective SEO campaign for your law firm’s website is pertinent. SEO for lawyer websites will help the website climb higher and higher in the search results. An expert will be able to analyze your website, make adjustments, and help you formulate a strategy that will ultimately transform your website into a success. Be sure to discuss your law firm’s specialties with our agency.
Do you work on behalf of clients, who have been accused of crimes? Does your law firm specialize in civil lawsuits? This information will be pertinent for obtaining the appropriate keywords. Using search key phrases, which have very little competition but high volume, will give you an edge over the competition. The importance of SEO for law firms is paramount and cannot be overlooked. If you want to succeed in your respective market, you will want to work with us to configure an effective SEO campaign and implement it as quickly as possible.

What We Do For You - Lawyer Leads

As a lawyer, you simply do not have the time to plan and carry out an SEO strategy on your own. This is where we’ll enter the picture. We’ll see to it that you are able to craft a highly effective SEO strategy that allows you to flourish for keywords specifically related to your line of work, whether it is civil or criminal law. We’ll carry out the work, so you can spend your time working to win your client’s cases. You can depend on us, just like your clients depend on you!

Choose Us For Your Law Firm Internet Marketing

Before jumping the gun, it is recommended that you take the time to scour through your options and attempt to find the most qualified lawyer SEO expert you can possibly find. After you’ve examined your options, we believe you’ll want to utilize our services. Our search engine optimization service is specifically designed to accommodate the needs and budgets of lawyers, who need quick access to new clients. With our assistance, you will be able to take your law firm to a whole new level.

Is Marketing Law Firm A Struggle?

Many Law firms could really benefit from proper SEO but often lack the time to find the right Lawyer SEO agency. Others have simply given up do to hiring “SEO Guru’s” in the past with little to no results.
Besides who has time at a fast paced law firm to focus on:
And if you do have someone at the firm that has the time to work on your Law Firm’s SEO they are probably:

Articles Optimized for Lawyer SEO

In order to achieve your goals and obtain a higher rank within Google’s search results, you need to dedicate a substantial amount of time to content marketing. This will require composing an abundance of high quality, original articles and submitting them to various websites, including article directories, indexes, and discussion forums. By doing so, you will be able to increase the overall value of your website, while also enhancing its visibility. Posting articles to relevant websites is pertinent. Those that specialize in criminal justice will want to post their articles on sites that cater to criminal law and vice versa.
This will increase the likelihood that readers will click on the outbound links and visit your website. This will result in an influx of traffic to your site, while also forcing the search engines to give your website more credence and value. We will help you carry out these tasks, so you can dedicate your time to your clients.

How Can Scott Keever SEO Help With Your Law Firm Marketing Plan?

We understand Local SEO and we know how to properly rank websites. There are several key elements that go into proper SEO: On-Page Optimization A successful SEO campaign starts with a strong foundation. This foundation consist of your website structure, proper layout of elements, and engaging content. Our first step is to focus on optimizing structure and content of your site. This includes:
And more…… Setting up proper onsite is very important to building a proper SEO campaign. This will be the basis to ensure your site is ready to rank and deliver a great user experience for your clients.

Building Trust And Authority: Marketing A Law Firm

Although the on-page optimization is very important to the success of your lawyer SEO campaign. The real work goes into what we do off site.
Here are just a few of the things we do to build trust and authority to your website:
In addition, we make sure that your business is set up correctly on Google, Bing, on the Maps, and any other local listing we can feature your law firm in. How Long Until I See Rankings? From our experience, it can about 6-8 months for a brand new website to generate powerful results in Google. If you have a aged website it can take around 3-5 months to start generating real results, if the site has had a proper SEO campaign started.

What Fee’s Are Involved In Lawyer SEO?

Each clients cost are different. We develop a custom strategy for every client and the price is based around the amount of work involved and how tough the competition is in your local niche. We never require any type of contract but once you see our proven results you will want to keep us on retainer. We have SEO plans starting as low as $750 a month and some campaigns can be as high as $20,000. On average the typical law firm will spend around $2000 for their SEO campaign. That is nothing considering just one extra client a month could bring your firm thousands of dollars.

Drive Relevant Traffic From Visitors in Miami to Your Webpage With SEO Services That Actually Work!

Are you ready to get more relevant visitors to your webpage and boost your sales? If you’re nodding your head “yes”, then contact Scott Keever SEO to schedule a free consultation.
You’ll speak with Scott to learn if SEO in Miami is right for your business, and tosee if you’re a good fit to work together.
During your conversation with him, you will also discover the specifics of how your business can benefit from web optimization -and which strategy and action plan is best for your individual business.
To sign up for a free consultation, simply go to the application page and fill in your details. There’s no obligation but there is an incredible opportunity to see what we can do for you.
Speak with Scott Keever SEO and start driving new business through your website today!
Note: We stand behind our work – so we only work with established businesses with proven products and services that have a positive reputation in the community.
If you want to boost your business’ profile, you can try and rank your website yourself.
Or you can try collaborating with lower quality, amateur SEO services and hope it works out.
But why risk your company’s reputation like that?
The best option to safely rank higher and generate new leads is to sign up for a free consultation with Scott Keever SEO and find out how he can boost your business the easy way.