Advertising On Facebook With Facebook Ads

Are you looking for ways to get more visitors to your website? Well, try Facebook advertising. Facebook adverts will not only help you get more visitors but also improve your SEO strategy. But what does it entail? Facebook advertising is a marketing method that allows you to reach the target audience based on their gender, interests, age, location and more.
Advertising On Facebook With Facebook Ads
If you choose this method of advertising, you will have the option of placing your adverts in six areas. These areas include:
There are two methods of choosing your ad placements: automatic placements and edit placements. If go for automatic placements, Facebook algorithms will automatically place ads for you. Edit Placements allows you to manually choose your ad placements.
Do Facebook Ads Work?
Like most people, you are probably wondering whether Facebook advertising works. Well, we will answer these essential questions using hard numbers. Below are some statistics that show the effectiveness of advertising on Facebook:
Advantages of Advertising on Facebook
Apart from helping you get more traffic and improving your SEO strategy, are there more benefits of advertising on Facebook? Yes, there are. Here are more benefits of advertising on Facebook.
1. Wide Customer Reach
Guess the number of people that use Facebook almost on daily basis. Do you have an idea? Well, according to Statista, there are over 2.32 billion active Facebook users worldwide. In other words, almost 80% of all internet users have a Facebook account. So regardless of the solutions you offer and who your target clients are, the majority of them certainly use Facebook. And, they possibly use it many times per day. Therefore, one of the most important benefits of using Facebook adverts is that you’ll be able to interact with your target market every day.
2. It Is One Of The Most Targeted Form Of Advertising
The other benefit of advertising on Facebook is that it will help you reach your target audience. Facebook ads allow you to categorize the target audience by interests, hobbies, age and location, making it more effective than other methods of online advertising.
3. Advertising On Facebook Is One Of The Cheapest Forms Of Advertising
With Facebook, you can literally spend as little as $5 to reach a thousand people. If you have a tight marketing budget and are looking for an effective online advertising method, advertising on Facebook can be an excellent option. You don’t have to spend huge amounts of money in radio ads, billboards, television, newspaper ads and other traditional media to reach your customers.
4. Immediate Results

Looking for a fast way to reach your audience? Facebook can never fail you. It is quite fast and drives immediate results. Also, Facebook results are measurable. You won’t struggle to see your ads performance and other social metrics; they’ll be laid clearly in front of you. The data you will get from Facebook will allow you to adjust your marketing campaign accordingly. You will avoid the disappointments of finding out something wasn’t effective when it’s too late to make any adjustments.

Immediate Results
5. Increased Brand Awareness
Advertising on Facebook will also help you improve your brand awareness. More people will know about the solutions that you provide. The more familiar customers and prospects are with your products or services, the more likely they are to purchase your products or service when it is time to make a decision.
6. Upward Trending Click-Through Rates
If you are looking for a marketing method that has good CTR, you can never go wrong with Facebook. Facebook ad click-through rates are increasing steadily as the social media company improves its algorithms and advertising tools. Currently, the average CTR in Facebook ads across all sectors is about 90%. Amazing, right? You should take advantage of this.
7. It Allows You To Re-engage Visitors
Have you ever visited a site and then saw a Facebook ad from that website shortly after? Of course, you have. This is a marketing tactic popularly known as remarketing. This marketing tactic allows you to advertise to people who recently visited your website. This means that if someone visited your site and does not buy something or contact you, you can reach them with Facebook adverts. Remarketing is very important as it can dramatically boost your conversions.
8. Increased Word Of Mouth And Referrals
The other benefit that makes Facebook better than other forms of advertisement is its social aspect. The social aspects allow people to share and talk about various products or services. If your Facebook ad is interesting creative or informative, Facebook users will like to comment and share it with their friends. It will go viral. The more people share your ad on Facebook, the more the word of mouth and referrals. This will lead to more visitors to your site and increased conversion.
9. It Can Drive Repeat Business
Facebook adverts can also help you boost repeat deals from clients who purchased from you in the past. Facebook marketing tools have an audience feature that allows you to import your customers’ emails into your advertising campaigns. This allows you to reach people who are most likely to buy from you.
10. It Is Mobile
Mobile is here to stay. It’s the future. More than 50% of all internet users access the internet via mobile. According to a recent report released by Facebook, 84% Of Facebook users use mobile devices. Facebook is also one of the most downloaded mobile apps today. With Facebook adverts, you will be able to reach your customers and prospects on the devices they use every day.
Advertising on Facebook will help your business grow and reach more prospective customers. Embrace it. If you have any questions you need answers before you dive into Facebook paid advertisements, you can ask us. One of our Facebook marketing experts will answer you.