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Content Marketing: A Brief Guide

Content marketing is a modern way of advertising where businesses communicate with their audience by offering a mix of engaging content. Instead of just trying to sell a product, companies share interesting articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more.
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Ever notice how some brands seem to post or talk about things you’re really into? That’s content marketing.
It’s super effective, especially when it matches what people are interested in. For example, podcasts for those who love listening to them or book recommendations for folks in the #booktok community on various social media platforms.
Traditional ads still work, but content marketing can go further than traditional ads and require a more involved strategy.
We’ll explore how it can make a difference for businesses and their customers. Get ready to learn how content marketing works and how to use it to make your business stand out!

What is Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach that involves creating and sharing valuable content such as videos, blogs, and social media posts.
Unlike traditional advertising methods, it doesn’t directly promote a brand but is intended to subtly generate interest in its products or services.
This marketing method signifies a deeper engagement with audiences — beyond selling to establishing lasting relationships and demonstrating industry expertise.
Defining Content Marketing
Blogs, newsletters, podcasts, social media posts, emails, videos, and the like are all forms of content marketing.
By definition, content marketing is a strategy businesses use to attract and retain customers through online and digital assets. This strategy primarily revolves around three types of content: written, audio, and visual.
The key to this strategy is to provide value to the audience by creating content that is not only promotional but also educational, entertaining, or informative.
Let’s break down the 3 C’s of Content Marketing:
  1. Content: This is what people share, like blogs, videos, or social media posts. It’s all about giving the audience something useful or interesting.
  2. Context: This involves recognizing the circumstances under which the audience interacts with the content. Make sure it fits their needs and the situation they’re in.
  3. Consistency: Keep sharing content regularly. This helps keep the audience interested and makes the brand seem more trustworthy and reliable.
Significance of Content Marketing
As digital media or platform consumption rises, content marketing’s importance in a brand’s overall strategy grows.
Businesses need a stand-out strategy to educate potential consumers about products or services in broader contexts that resonate with their lifestyles and interests.
For example, imagine a skincare brand using content marketing. They might write blog posts about common skin issues or make how-to videos in collaboration with dermatology experts.
This kind of content helps people learn more about skincare and trust the brand — all without overtly selling the products.
Content marketing is key in digital marketing for its many benefits, some of which are listed below:
  • Connecting with Audiences: It engages people by matching content with their interests.
  • Educating Consumers: Content marketing goes beyond selling; it also provides useful information that helps people make better choices.
  • Boosting Sales: Attracts potential customers and encourages them to buy from you.
  • Building Trust: Establishes a brand as reliable and knowledgeable. It also allows for feedback (e.g., through comments), which can improve the quality of the brand’s offerings.
  • Increasing Online Presence: Regular content improves a brand’s online visibility.
  • Creating Lasting Relationships: Keeps customers interested and loyal over time.
Evolution of Content Marketing
Over the years, content marketing has evolved to adapt to changing consumer behaviors and technological advancements.
Here’s a quick run-through of how content marketing grew.
  • Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT): In 2011, Google released its Zero Moment of Truth(ZMOT) study, which was a game-changer. It showed that 88% of shoppers research a product before buying, highlighting the importance of online content in influencing purchase decisions.
  • Shift in Storytelling and Control: This era marked a shift where company stories were being told online, often outside their control. It became crucial for businesses to shape these online conversations through content marketing.
  • SEO and Google’s Algorithm Changes: The need for good SEO practices became evident, as ranking high on search engine results was key to being found by consumers during their research phase. Google’s subsequent algorithm updates discouraged keyword stuffing and drove a preference for quality content.
  • Rise of Social Media: As social media use became more widespread, it changed content consumption. Content became more passive, shareable, and tailored for social feeds.
  • Video Content’s Dominance: By 2021, video emerged as a key content format, favored for its engagement and popularity on platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
  • Pandemic’s Impact and Future Trends: The pandemic saw a surge in content consumption, increasing by 207%. The trend is expected to continue, with many marketers planning to increase the frequency and quality of their content.
Content marketing has been around for a while and continues to thrive. However, the key to success now lies in selecting the right mix among the diverse forms of content marketing to capture more audiences.

Diverse Forms of Content Marketing

Content marketing can take on many forms, such as blogs, videos, podcasts, social media, infographics, eBooks, paid advertising, and more.
The key is knowing your target market and creating content that resonates with them.
Blogging and SEO
Blogging is key for good search engine optimization (SEO). It’s not just about writing; it’s about making content that’s easy to find and interesting — with a mix of text, images, and videos.
Blogging is a cost-effective way to create informative and conversational content. It helps boost your website’s SEO by positioning it as a relevant source of answers to customers’ questions.
It’s a strategy that makes businesses’ websites more visible to people who use search engines by focusing on click-through rates, index coverage, backlinks, and internal links.
Video Content Marketing
Videos are a powerful tool for brands to boost their online presence. This can be through various forms — like YouTube shorts, TikTok, or Reels — social media clips, webinars, online courses, or live streams.
Businesses utilize video content marketing for a variety of purposes, some of which are listed below:
  • Demonstrating products
  • Sharing customer testimonials
  • Provide customer support (like explainer videos, FAQs, and tutorials)
  • Telling stories about their workplace
  • Announcing new features
  • Creating immersive experiences (virtual concerts or game shows)
With smartphones, creating high-quality videos has become more affordable and easier, allowing for creative visuals, music, and voiceovers.
Podcasts as Content
Podcasts are audio programs (with optional videos) centered around specific topics.
Because they are pre-recorded, listeners can download or stream them anytime on platforms like Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Podcasts provide a creative space where businesses — especially in consulting, financial services, and B2B sectors — can choose a topic, decide the frequency of episodes, select guests, determine where to promote the podcast, and set the episode lengths.
For example, a finance company can create a podcast called “Wealth Wisdom” to discuss investment strategies, market trends, and personal finance tips.
Podcasts typically involve technical steps, such as music scoring and mixing, to make podcast content sound professional.
Social Media Content Marketing
Social media content marketing is all about using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and others to share content, promote brands, and connect with audiences.
It’s a way for brands to reach the 4.5 billion social media users by posting photos, videos, and articles.
Social media marketing differs from traditional advertising because it’s not just about promoting products; it allows for two-way conversations.
Consumers are able to share their opinions and create content centered around their brand, product, or service.
By doing this, businesses can leverage user-generated content (UGC) for effective social media marketing.
Typically, UGC is content that customers create voluntarily and for free. But now, with more social media content creators, brands sometimes give incentives for them to make content that looks like it’s from regular users.
Infographics for Engagement
Infographics are a powerful tool in content marketing, turning complex information into easy-to-understand visuals.
They can work well for explaining tough concepts or processes by breaking them down into simple, graphical parts.
Visual content resonates well with modern audiences, who prefer quick and skimmable content.
It not only makes your brand’s message clearer and easier to understand but also helps make blog posts or email marketing campaigns more readable.
By converting large infographics into smaller images, businesses can effectively share them on platforms where simpler, snappier visuals get more attention.
This helps to increase engagement and drive traffic to a website.
Ebooks for Lead Generation
Ebooks are another powerful tool in content marketing, particularly for lead generation. They offer detailed information on niches, going deeper than typical blog posts or infographics.
This content marketing strategy not only provides value to the reader but also positions the business as a knowledgeable authority in its field.
To acquire leads, companies often offer ebooks for free, requesting contact details in exchange.
An example of using ebooks in content marketing is a digital marketing agency creating an ebook called “The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing in 2024.
They offer this ebook for free on their website, but people must give their email address to download it.
This strategy allows businesses to collect potential client contacts to develop their customer database.
Paid Content Advertising
Paid content advertising in content marketing means paying for sponsored content or ads to reach more people.
This method differs from organic strategies because businesses buy visibility with video ads, pay-per-click ads, pop-ups, and sponsored posts on social media and other channels.
By using text, images, and videos, this method gets your business seen quickly on search engines, social media, websites, and even spaces like Gmail inboxes.
While it costs more than organic content marketing, paid advertising can show faster results and reach potential customers who might not find your business otherwise.
It works well for raising awareness and driving sales, as brands can target it to people looking to buy.
Exploring Other Content Marketing Channels
You’re not limited to methods like blogs & SEO, videos, podcasts, social media, infographics, eBooks, and paid advertising.
Here are several other effective ways to engage in content marketing:
  • Webinars and Online Workshops. Hosting webinars or interactive online workshops can be a great way to provide value, showcase your business’ expertise, and engage with the audience in real time.
  • Email Marketing: Regular newsletters or targeted email campaigns keep the audience informed and engaged with one’s brand and can be a great way to share content directly.
  • Live videos: Businesses can now interact with their audience in real-time through social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok by going live.
  • Interactive Content: Quizzes, surveys, games, polls, and interactive infographics can increase engagement by encouraging active participation from the audience.
  • Success Stories: Sharing detailed case studies or customer success stories can illustrate the effectiveness of your products or services and build trust.

Navigating the Content Marketing Funnel

After choosing the right mix of content marketing methods for your business, the next step is effectively navigating the content marketing funnel.
This funnel acts as a strategic roadmap, guiding your content creation and distribution efforts to move your audience from initial awareness to final decision-making.
Building Awareness Stage
This phase of content marketing is called the “Top of Funnel” (TOFU) and is designed to attract potential customers and introduce them to your brand.
It’s about creating brand awareness and educating your audience about their needs and challenges.
At this early stage, your audience is just beginning their buyer’s journey. They’re not ready to purchase yet; they’re only starting to explore.
Therefore, the content should be engaging and informative but not overly sales-focused. It’s more about drawing people in and making them curious.
Effective TOFU content could include blog posts that answer FAQs or how-to videos that provide helpful information.
Nurturing Consideration Stage
In the “Middle Of Funnel” (MOFU) stage of content marketing, the focus shifts to keeping your audience engaged and gently guiding them towards your products or services.
This stage targets people who are already aware of your brand and contemplating whether to delve deeper into what your business offers.
At the MOFU stage, you must differentiate your brand from competitors. You can do this by offering targeted information and persuasive reasons discussing why your offerings are the right choice.
Businesses should still deliver value with their content marketing at this stage, but they can now add a few well-placed promotions within the content.
The best types of content for this stage include helpful infographics and how-to blogs.
Driving Decision Stage
The final stage of content marketing, known as the “Bottom Of Funnel” (BOFU), is all about giving your audience that final push to make a purchase.
The decision stage is when the audience decides whether to purchase or not.
To effectively sell your products, it’s best to focus on content like product demos, customer testimonials, pricing, purchasing methods, and special offers.
You can use different platforms to reach your target audience. That said, email is often the most effective due to its direct reach and sense of urgency, especially when offering limited-time deals.
You can also use targeted ads to remind people who showed interest earlier.

Designing an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

An effective content marketing strategy is essentially a plan that covers the ‘4 Ws and H’ — who your content is for, why you’re creating it, when and where you’ll post it, and how you’ll do it.
Establishing Content Marketing Objectives
These objectives should align with the organization’s overall marketing and business goals and be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
Examples of content marketing objectives include the following:
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Generating leads
  • Improving customer engagement
  • Enhancing thought leadership
  • Collaborations or strategic partners
  • Driving sales
It’s crucial to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress. Depending on your objectives, KPIs may include engagement rates (e.g., views, comments) or conversion rates.
Defining and Understanding Your Audience
The next step in designing an effective content marketing strategy is understanding and meeting the needs of your target audience.
This means identifying their needs, preferences, interests, and pain points and creating content that addresses those areas in an engaging and informative manner.
Use the tips below to better understand your audience.
  1. Create Detailed Personas: Make profiles of your typical customers to understand their needs and what content they’ll like.
  2. Focus on Specific Needs and Interests: Target a specific group with particular interests, which helps make your content more relevant and build a community.
  3. Use Analytics: Use tools like Google or website analytics, social media insights, and feedback from your sales team to learn who your audience is and what they want.
  4. Adjust Your Strategy Based on Insights: Use this information to ensure your content addresses what your audience cares about and stands out from competitors.
Content marketing is most effective once you’ve attracted the right audience.
Selecting Suitable Content Formats and Platforms
To create relevant and timely content, you should align your content with where your users are in the sales funnel.
This way, you can tailor your content to your audience’s preferences and where they spend their time online.
You should deliver content via the best medium and decide on content types and formats by conducting a content audit, doing a competitive analysis, and researching industry trends.
For example, if your audience predominantly uses Facebook compared to other social media platforms, focus on sharing your content there.
Differentiate between general content types (like blog posts) and specific formats within them (like how-tos or listicles).
Consider what content has been successful before and what your competitors are doing.
Developing a Content Marketing Schedule
A consistent schedule is crucial to engage with your audience and maintain a strong brand presence.
Use a content calendar for social media or editorial planning to organize and schedule your content in advance.
Also, management tools like Trello can help break down campaigns into tasks with deadlines for your team.
Here are five things to include in a content calendar:
  1. Content topic: Identify topics/themes of your content to avoid repetition.
  2. Content format: Include content format (blog, video, infographic, social media) to cater to different audience preferences.
  3. Publishing date and time: Plan and publish your content consistently by specifying its publication time. Inconsistent publishing can lead to the audience losing interest.
  4. Distribution channel: Identify how you will distribute each piece of content, such as your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, or other channels.
  5. Assigned team member: Designate a team member to create and publish each piece of content to guarantee timely completion.
Implementing a Content Distribution Strategy
A well-designed content marketing strategy with a strong distribution plan can help you achieve your conversion goals and drive business success.
To implement a content distribution strategy, you must plan how to promote and distribute your content on multiple formats and platforms to address different audiences.
Don’t just rely on organic reach; actively promote your content through emails, social media, partnerships, and even paid ads to get it in front of as many people as possible.
Review your content’s performance regularly and adjust your approach if needed.
Ensure your content is engaging, optimized for search engines, and tailored to each social media platform to reach your intended audience and achieve your KPIs.

Evaluating Your Content Marketing Success

Evaluating your content marketing success means checking if your content is helping you meet your marketing goals.
Specifically, look at the following details:
  • How well-known your brand is becoming
  • How people feel about your brand
  • Whether your content is leading to more sales
  • Whether people are interacting with your content and how often they do so
Measuring Brand Awareness and Reach
Measuring brand awareness and reach can be done through various methods such as surveys, social media analytics, website traffic analysis, and search engine optimization.
This involves tracking metrics like:
  1. Website Traffic: How many new visitors visit your website after interacting with your content?
  2. Click-Through Rate (CTR): What is the number of people who have clicked on your links, and which links were clicked?
  3. Social Media Followers: Are more people following your social media accounts?
  4. Brand Mentions: How often is your brand being talked about online, either on social media, in blogs, or in news articles?
  5. Search Volume: Are more people searching for your brand or products on search engines?
  6. Average time on page: What is the average time people spend on a webpage?
To measure the success of your content, you need to keep track of how many people are aware of your brand and interested in your products or services.
The aim is to assess these numbers and improve over time.
Assessing Brand Health Metrics
To evaluate a brand’s performance, you can compare its metrics to industry benchmarks or past data. This helps to identify areas for improvement.
For example, suppose the metrics number shows a decline in brand loyalty. In that case, this may indicate that customers are less satisfied with the brand and that issues with product quality or customer service need to be addressed.
On the other hand, an increase in the metrics number could mean that marketing efforts are working well and the brand is gaining traction in the marketplace.
You can also gather customer feedback, monitor social media comments, and conduct surveys to understand the reasons behind the numbers.
Tracking Sales and Conversion Metrics
Here, you measure how effectively your content drives sales. This process is essential to understand the direct financial benefits of your content marketing strategy.
By tracking sales and conversion metrics, businesses can gauge the effectiveness of their content in contributing to sales and revenue.
To track sales and conversions, you look at:
  1. Conversion Rate: The percentage of people who do what you want after seeing your content. “What you want” can vary from signing up for a newsletter to downloading a guide and purchasing products.
  2. Lead Generation: How many potential customers does your content attract? High lead generation numbers suggest your content successfully attracts and engages potential customers.
  3. Sales from Content: This metric assesses the total sales generated from customers who engage with your content.
This data not only highlights the ROI of content marketing efforts but can also guide your future content strategy.
Gauging Innovation and Engagement Metrics
Gauging innovation and engagement metrics helps businesses keep up with changing audience interests and new trends.
  1. Engagement Rate: Look at likes, shares, comments, and time spent on your content. High engagement means your audience finds your content interesting and worth interacting with.
  2. Content Variety: Track the diversity of your content formats (videos, blogs, infographics) and topics. Innovation is shown through a mix of different types of engaging content.
  3. Audience Growth: Measure how your content attracts new followers or subscribers. Increasing numbers can indicate that your innovative content is drawing more attention.
  4. Feedback and Interaction: Pay attention to direct feedback from your audience through comments or surveys. Positive reactions can indicate successful innovation.
  5. Social Media Trends: Monitor how your content performs concerning trending topics or formats on social media. Staying on top of these trends can show the relevance and innovation of your content.

Essential Roles of a Content Marketer

A content marketer creates and shares content like blog posts, videos, and infographics to attract and engage potential customers.
The primary responsibilities of a content marketer include creating content, strategically distributing it, and analyzing its performance.
Mastering Content Creation
One of the most important skills a content marketer must possess is creating engaging, relevant, and high-quality content.
This includes blog posts, social media updates, videos, podcasts, and more.
To master the role of a content marketer, one needs a diverse skill set that encompasses both creative and analytical abilities.
A content marketer will typically dabble in the following skills:
  1. Writing Skills: Strong writing ability is crucial. Content marketers must write grammatically correct, engaging, and convincing content for the reader.
  2. SEO Expertise: A good understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important to ensure the content ranks well on search engines and attracts organic traffic.
  3. Data Analysis: Being able to work with data is key. Analyzing how content performs helps in tweaking strategies to get better results.
  4. Creativity: Being creative is essential in content marketing. Marketers must constantly develop new ideas and innovative ways to grab and keep the audience’s attention.
  5. Adaptability: The digital world is always changing, so content marketers need to stay current with trends and adjust their strategies to fit.
Strategizing Content Distribution
In content marketing, strategizing content distribution is about making sure the right people see your content through the best channels.
This involves creating a detailed content strategy that aligns with your brand’s goals and resonates with your audience, including additional tasks like keyword research and competitor analysis.
An important part of this role is managing social media, where you create, schedule, and analyze posts to engage with your audience effectively.
As a strategist, you also oversee the overall content plan, develop content calendars for long-term campaigns, and ensure that all content supports the brand’s broader business objectives.
The aim is to provide value to your audience, drive qualified leads, and help achieve conversion targets.
Performing Content Performance Analysis
As a content marketer, you need to analyze your efforts and adjust your strategies based on what works.
It’s best to adopt some SEO audit best practices, like using analytics tools to track KPIs like website traffic and conversion rates.
This involves checking which content strategies are most successful and focusing on how much the content generates real business, like leads or sales.
They also coordinate with other teams to ensure the content strategy supports the brand’s overall campaigns.
This process helps them make data-driven decisions to improve the effectiveness of their content.

Leveraging Tools for Content Marketing

Content marketing involves using several tools to create, distribute, and analyze content performance across different channels.
We recommend looking at some of the best SEO tools like Ahrefs and using them alongside other analytics tools.
Remember to also spread the word via social media platforms, email marketing software, and more.
Tools for Content Creation
Marketers can improve their content creation by using specialized software and applications to produce high-quality, engaging content.
These tools cater to various aspects of content creation:
  1. Graphic Design Tools: Used for creating visual content such as images, infographics, and design elements. Examples include Canva and Adobe Creative Suite.
  2. Video Production Tools: Essential for creating and editing videos. Examples include Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro.
  3. Content Management Systems: Platforms for creating, managing, and publishing digital content. Examples include WordPress and Drupal.
  4. Writing Assistance Tools: These help write clear, grammatically correct, and engaging copy for articles, blogs, and social media posts. Examples include Grammarly and Hemingway Editor.
  5. Social Media Management Tools: Useful for creating, scheduling, and monitoring social media content across different platforms. Examples include Hootsuite and Buffer.
Platforms for Content Distribution
You’ll need to find the right platform to post your content on. Remember to post on multiple platforms to potentially reach a wider audience.
Key platforms include:
  1. Social Media Platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn): Ideal for sharing a wide range of content types, from text posts to images and videos, and for engaging directly with your audience.
  2. Content Management Systems (e.g., WordPress): Used for publishing and managing content on websites and blogs. They often come with built-in SEO and social sharing features.
  3. Email Marketing Platforms (e.g., Mailchimp, Constant Contact): Essential for sending out newsletters, promotional emails, and other content directly to your subscribers’ inboxes.
  4. Video Sharing Platforms (e.g., YouTube, TikTok): Key for distributing video content and reaching audiences who prefer visual and auditory content.
Tools for Content Performance Analysis
Measuring your content marketing’s success helps you know what’s working and what isn’t — guiding you to improve your strategy.
Here are some useful tools for this:
  1. Website Analytics (e.g., Google Analytics): They help you to track your website traffic, user behavior, and how visitors interact with your content.
  2. SEO Tools (e.g., SEMrush, Moz): These tools analyze your content’s visibility on search engines and offer data on keyword rankings, backlinks, site health, and competitive analysis.
  3. Social Media Analytics: Each social media platform offers analytics tools customized to its unique features and user behaviors. These track the performance of your content on social media.
  4. Conversion Rate Optimization Tools (e.g., Hotjar, Google Optimize): Track user behavior and improve website engagement with these tools.

Perspectives on Content Marketing

Content marketing looks different depending on who’s doing it.
Marketers, audiences, SEO specialists, content creators, brands, and digital strategists have their own ways of seeing and handling content marketing.
Marketer's View on Content Marketing
Marketers focus on developing a strong brand voice and nurturing customer relationships.
They create content that resonates with their target audience and helps achieve business goals like increasing conversions, brand awareness, or customer loyalty.
Audience's Perception of Content
Audiences consume content for information, entertainment, or education. They value authenticity and relevance, and their engagement can shape their perception of a brand.
Understanding their preferences and pain points is crucial to creating engaging content.
SEO Specialist's Role in Content Marketing
SEO specialists ensure that the content is optimized for search engines to improve visibility and organic reach.
They carry out tasks such as keyword research, on-page SEO, optimizing meta tags, and implementing link-building strategies.
Content Creator's Contribution to Marketing
Content creators’ contribution to marketing is critical as they are responsible for crafting the content itself. They are responsible for producing engaging, high-quality content that resonates with the target audience.
Their creativity and storytelling skills are vital in capturing audience interest.
Brand's Content Marketing Strategy
A brand’s content marketing strategy involves planning and executing content initiatives that align with business goals.
This includes identifying target audiences, setting objectives, choosing the right channels and content types, and measuring the performance of the content.
Digital Strategist's Approach to Content Marketing
Digital strategists specialize in incorporating content marketing into the broader digital marketing strategy.
Their approach involves developing an integrated plan encompassing various digital marketing channels like SEO, social media, email marketing, etc., to provide a coherent and consistent brand message

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about content marketing with these questions.
A content marketer creates valuable content to engage the audience and subtly promote the brand. They aim to make content that’s informative, entertaining, and tailored to the audience’s needs.
Content marketing’s key principles include creating engaging, relevant content, consistent delivery, and matching content with audience needs.
The goal is to educate, build trust, and drive sales.
You can measure success by tracking metrics like brand awareness, engagement, conversion rates, and SEO performance. Use analytics tools to evaluate and refine your strategy.
Use tools like Canva and WordPress for creation, social media platforms for distribution, and Google Analytics and SEMrush for performance analysis.
Develop a strategy by setting clear goals, understanding your audience, choosing the right content and platforms, maintaining a consistent schedule, and regularly analyzing your website’s performance to make improvements.


Content marketing combines being creative, keeping up with the latest trends, and understanding what your audience cares about.
Instead of just trying to sell something, it’s about creating content that people find useful and interesting, which in turn makes them trust and value your brand.
Through effective SEO, creative content, strategic distribution, and analyzing performance, content marketing significantly contributes to overall brand awareness.
It’s a modern marketing approach for businesses to stand out, draw in new customers, and build their brand using digital media.