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Keyword Research - Quick Guide

Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and digital marketing.
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It helps websites pinpoint the specific words and phrases their intended audience employs while searching online for products, services, or relevant information.
You might be asking, “How can keyword research help improve my content’s visibility and performance?”
Understanding keyword research basics enables you to research keywords that align effectively with your audience’s interests, enhancing the reach and impact of your content. This is what we will discuss today at length.

Understanding Keyword Research in SEO

Whether you are new to SEO or a seasoned expert, keyword research will always be a crucial part of any SEO strategy. It ensures that your content resonates with the needs and searches of your audience.
Going back to the basics and constantly improving how you research for keywords can significantly enhance your content’s performance.
By optimizing search engines, analyzing keywords, and understanding search intent, you can identify the best keywords that align with what your audience is looking for in search results.
Importance of Keyword Research
People search online using specific keywords and phrases related to what they need. To generate more traffic, learning how to target those searches is crucial. This ensures your content appears at the top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).
Proper keyword research has many benefits, including the following.
  • They improve SEO ranking
  • They increase search traffic.
  • They target the right audience for your content.
  • They help understand search intent.
  • They enhance marketing strategies and increase the chances of sales.
Having a proper keyword research process and constantly studying trends can help you keep up to date with how search engines rank your content.
This allows you to continuously improve and adapt your strategies for better SEO performance.
Impact of Keywords on SEO Ranking
Keywords are one of the main ranking factors used by Google, alongside content quality, links, and other elements. They play a crucial role in how a website or blog post is indexed and ranked.
To achieve effective SEO, it is essential to use accurate and quality keywords that are relevant to what users are searching for. This involves conducting keyword research to find relevant keyword ideas and search queries that align with your audience’s interests.
Balancing keyword usage with other ranking factors is critical to improving online visibility. Prioritizing keywords in your content strategy helps ensure that the ranking of each blog post or web page increases on SERPs.
Role of Keywords in Traffic Generation
Identifying the best-fitting keywords for your content can help you rank significantly higher in search engine results.
Keyword research for SEO involves choosing specific and related keywords that align closely with your content’s theme and audience interests.
Doing so increases the chances of attracting more traffic to your website.
As your content aligns with what people are searching for in search engines, it naturally draws in visitors, especially if your competitors rank lower for these target keywords.
Keyword Research for Customer Acquisition
Content used for marketing usually includes a call to action that makes potential customers aware of a brand’s product or service. This is a crucial step in guiding visitors through the journey from awareness to purchase.
Specific keywords can act as a call to action on your page based on what your audience is looking for. This awareness indicates that you offer a product or service that meets their needs.
Targeting these relevant keywords ensures that your content resonates with your target audience.
Research keywords based on popularity, search volumes, and intent that align with what your potential customers are curious about.
This approach helps you create content that answers their questions and positions your brand as a solution, making keyword research an invaluable tool in customer acquisition.
Balancing Keyword Originality and Findability
Considering factors like search volume and keyword difficulty in SEO keyword research is crucial. These factors indicate how often specific terms are searched and how competitive they are in the SEO landscape.
There should be a balance between what your competitors rank for and what your users will likely search for.
Finding this balance entails analyzing keywords and understanding the best keywords that fit within your content strategy but are also achievable in terms of ranking.
Keyword research helps you find the balance between originality and findability. It informs you on how to choose the right specific keyword, analyze search volume data, and understand keyword variations.
This process helps tailor your content to what people need without losing the message you wish to convey.
User and Search Engine Perspectives on Keywords
Keyword research is not just about understanding what ranks well. It is also important to write for actual people, not just search engines. This dual focus is critical to creating effective and engaging content.
Search engines tend to rank content based on keywords that are relevant and aligned with the search intent. Therefore, the target keyword you choose for your content significantly influences its placement in search results.
While search engines rank content based on what their crawlers find on your page, it is also crucial to understand how actual users search for keywords and how relevant these terms are to their needs.
This understanding forms a crucial part of any successful SEO strategy and should guide the process of researching keywords.

Keyword Research Fundamentals

The fundamentals of keyword research involve a systematic approach to identifying and selecting keywords most relevant to your content and audience. This begins with brainstorming keyword ideas and utilizing various keyword tools.
By focusing on your target keyword and developing a comprehensive keyword list, you can tailor your content to meet your audience’s specific needs and interests more effectively.
Relevance in Keyword Research
Google ranks content based on its relevance to the searcher’s intent. The more aligned your content is with what users seek, the higher it ranks in search results.
Your content will only rank highly if it meets the needs of searchers and the relevant search terms they use when searching.
This involves selecting relevant keywords and understanding their search volume and keyword difficulty to ensure your content closely matches user queries.
For your content to be considered the best resource, it must provide significant value. Google ranks content lower if it offers less value or relevance compared to other available content on the same topic.
Understanding Search Volume and Competition
You may rank first for a specific keyword, but it could be a term that not many people are searching for.
As a result, there may be no significant increase in traffic to your site, even with a high ranking for that particular keyword.
This is a common challenge in keyword research and strategy and highlights the importance of ranking while choosing actively-used keywords.
To avoid this, check the average Monthly Search Volume (MSV) – the number of times a keyword is searched per month across all audiences. It helps assess the potential search engine traffic a keyword can bring.
You can also look through global search volume, especially if your site caters to an international audience.
Utilizing keyword tools can aid in this process, helping you find the best keywords that align with your overall keyword strategy.
Authority and Trustworthiness in Keywords
Google tends to rank sources that it deems more authoritative higher in its search results. This is a pivotal aspect to consider in your SEO and content strategy, especially when selecting and targeting specific keywords.
It is vital to focus on creating high-quality, informative content to be seen as authoritative. The goal is to establish your site as a leading source of information for that specific keyword.
Enrich your site with helpful information and actively promote content that can earn social signals and backlinks. These elements contribute to the perceived authority and trustworthiness of your site in the eyes of search engines.
If your site is not seen as particularly authoritative in your space, or if the SERPs for your target keyword are dominated by heavy-hitters like WebMD or The Mayo Clinic, your chance of ranking high is lower.
In such cases, your content needs to be exceptionally good to stand out and gain traction.
Keyword Length: Short-tail and Long-tail Keywords
Short-tail keywords are more general queries, which usually only contain one or two words. These keywords often have high search volume but also high competition.
On the other hand, long-tail keywords are phrases that usually contain three to five or even more words. They are more specific and often relate closely to the user’s search intent.
It can be easier to rank for a long-tail keyword because its search volume is typically lower than short-tail keywords. This lower competition can make them a strategic choice for boosting search traffic, especially for niche topics or specific queries.
However, there are chances of getting more backlinks and higher traffic  with short-tail keywords due to their broader appeal and higher search volumes. Balancing both types of keywords is key to creating the right keywords mix for your SEO strategy.
Geographic and Seasonal Keyword Trends
Seasonal demands can drive high search volume during specific times of the year, like holidays, significant events, or particular seasons. This trend presents a unique opportunity for targeting time-sensitive queries.
Geographic keywords are tailored to specific geographical locations and can be influenced by recent events or local trends in those areas. These keywords are crucial for businesses targeting a local audience or capitalizing on local events.
By tailoring your content and campaigns based on these seasonal and geographic events, you can optimize your efforts toward specific audiences and occasions.
This approach significantly increases the chances of boosting traffic and conversion rates, making it a valuable keyword research and SEO strategy.

Conducting Effective Keyword Research

Conducting effective keyword research is vital for any successful SEO strategy. It involves a thorough and systematic approach to ensure the keywords chosen align well with your content goals and audience needs.
When conducting this research, it is important to consider several vital aspects.
  • Identifying Relevant Topics and Keywords
  • Analyzing Search Intent and User Considerations
  • Exploring Related Search Terms
  • Using Keyword Research Tools Effectively
  • Understanding SERPs and keyword placement
Putting these into practice allows you to get better keyword ideas and use them appropriately for content that ranks.
Identifying Relevant Topics and Keywords
It is beneficial to make a list of topics you want to rank for. You should end up with 5-10 topics that are relevant to your overall content or business. This initial list forms the foundation of your keyword strategy.
Check the monthly search volume for each keyword. Knowing the density of keywords helps gauge how important these topics are to your audience and indicates the potential traffic they could bring to your website.
This process will assist you in coming up with sub-topics you can discuss. These sub-topics provide additional opportunities to target more specific queries related to your main topics.
List keywords and phrases that are further related to the initial topics you thought of. This step expands your keyword pool and provides a broader perspective on the range of queries your audience might use.
This will give you many possible keyword ideas that you can narrow down further as you go through the keyword research process.
Analyzing Search Intent and User Considerations
It is easy to use keywords for their obvious algorithmic value, but it is crucial to understand the intent behind each search. Knowing why users are searching for a specific term can drastically change how you approach your content creation.
Your content should align with the user’s intent, aiming to solve or address the queries they have. This alignment ensures that your content is relevant and valuable to your audience.
You need to be extra careful about how keywords will be interpreted. The context in which a keyword is used can significantly influence the user’s perception and the effectiveness of your content.
It is beneficial to try out different keywords in the search engine yourself to see what type of content appears on Google.
This exercise can make it easier for you to create content closely related to what Google understands and expects for those specific terms.
Exploring Related Search Terms
Exploring related search terms helps to expand and enrich your list of potential keywords. This exploration opens up new avenues and perspectives for your content.
When you scroll down the search results page for a specific keyword, you will often find suggestions related to your initial search.
These are ‘related searches’ that users frequently look up, providing valuable insights into additional queries.
These keyword suggestions can give you more keyword ideas that you may want to consider writing about. Incorporating these related terms can broaden your content’s reach and relevance, catering to a broader array of user interests and inquiries.
Using Keyword Research Tools Effectively
There are many SEO tools available that can provide you with additional keyword ideas, complementing the ones you initially thought of. These tools expand your keyword list and help you understand various aspects like search volume and search intent.
Some of the most common keyword research tools are the following, which we will discuss later on.
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • SEMrush
  • Ahrefs
  • Ubersuggest
  • Google Trends
Utilizing keyword research tools effectively can provide a wealth of information, from keyword suggestions to insights on new keywords, enhancing your SEO strategy.
Make the most of these tools to increase the chances of having your content rank under those keywords.
Understanding SERPs and Keyword Placement
SERPs determine how your site appears on Google’s first page. Understanding how SERPs work is critical in optimizing your website to improve its visibility and ranking.
Being among the first ten blue links on a SERP has a good chance of attracting organic traffic. These top positions are highly coveted as they are more likely to be clicked by users searching for relevant information.
The effectiveness of your content in SERPs also depends on how your content and keywords are naturally used within it.
Proper keyword placement is essential, ensuring that your content ranks well and aligns with what users are searching for.

Selecting the Right Keywords

Selecting the right keywords is a crucial step in SEO and content strategy. The effectiveness of your online presence depends on targeting keywords that accurately reflect your content and align with what your audience is searching for.
There are many tools available that can help you make the most of your keyword selection.
These tools provide insights into keyword popularity, competition, and relevance, aiding in the process of choosing keywords that will most effectively drive traffic and engagement.
Leveraging Google Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner is a tool for getting search volume and traffic estimates for keywords.
It provides valuable data that can help you understand how often certain terms are searched and how those searches have changed over time.
While learning from Keyword Planner, you can also use Google Trends to fill in the blanks.
Google Trends offers insights into the popularity of search queries on Google across various regions and languages, providing a broader view of keyword relevance.
Flag terms on your list that have either too little or too much search volume, as these might be challenging to work with. High competition or low interest can affect the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.
However, do not delete these flagged terms immediately. Some low-volume terms might be worth investing in now as they could become more popular or relevant in the future. These keywords can offer long-term benefits as trends shift.
Prioritizing Low-Competition Keywords
Prioritize keywords that you have a realistic chance of ranking for, which is often determined by your website’s authority.
Choosing keywords that match your site’s current level of authority can significantly improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.
Large companies often target higher search volume keywords because their brands are already well-established.
Google typically rewards these well-known entities with authority over many topics, making it challenging for smaller or newer websites to compete in these areas.
Therefore, consider focusing on keywords that have less competition. Keywords that do not have multiple articles competing for the highest rank can offer you an opportunity to secure a spot in search results almost by default.
Targeting these less contested keywords can be a strategic move, especially for growing websites or businesses.
Analyzing Monthly Search Volume
Writing content around what people want to discover is key to successful SEO. Understanding the interests and needs of your audience is crucial in creating relevant and engaging content.
Checking the monthly search volume of keywords using tools like Google Trends can help you identify the most searched keywords.
This insight will guide you in selecting topics that are currently popular or gaining traction among your target audience
There are many free keyword research tools available that can assist you in this analysis. These tools provide valuable data on search volumes, helping you to make informed decisions about the keywords to target in your content strategy.
Considering SERP Features in Keyword Selection
We have been mentioning SERP for a while, so you might wonder, “What is SERP?”
This is the page displayed by search engines in response to a user’s query.
Several SERP feature snippets can be highlighted by Google if used correctly, including:
  • Paragraph Snippets: Short text excerpts answering a specific query.
  • List Snippets: Bullet or numbered lists providing concise answers or steps.
  • Image Packs: A collection of relevant images related to the search query.
  • Video Snippets: Featured video content that directly relates to the search terms.
You can increase your chances of getting organic traffic by targeting keywords that align with these SERP features. Optimizing your content for these specific features can enhance your visibility and improve click-through rates.
Balancing Head Terms and Long-Tail Keywords
As mentioned earlier, there are generally two types of keywords: short-tail, also known as head terms and long-tail keywords. Understanding the distinction and usage of both is essential in creating a well-rounded SEO strategy.
It is crucial to have a good balance between both types. This balance addresses both long-term goals and short-term wins.
Head terms often drive higher search volumes but are more competitive, while long-tail keywords are more specific and usually less competitive.
Aim to pick a good mix of quick wins, which often come from long-tail keywords, and content investments that target more challenging head terms.
Over time, chipping away at these difficult head terms can yield significant results and improve your overall online presence.
Competitor Keyword Analysis and Ranking
You do not have to replicate everything your competitor is doing, but it is crucial to understand how they use keywords. This knowledge can inform you on the best way to use similar keywords to improve your own rankings.
If you notice that your competitor is ranking for words that are on your keyword list, then it is a clear indicator that you should refine how you use these keywords.
Enhancing your approach could help you compete more effectively and potentially outrank them in search results.

Advanced Keyword Research Strategies

Now that you have a grasp of the basics of keyword research, you might want to go deeper when it comes to the different strategies you can use.
From getting new keyword ideas to applying these keywords to your content, these strategies can help you get better ranks in any Google search.
Identifying the Parent Topic and Subtopics
The parent topic is the broadest, most general keyword that encompasses a wider subject area. It represents the overarching theme or category under which various specific topics fall.
If different keywords show almost identical top pages in search rankings, it indicates they are part of the same parent topic. This similarity in search results can help identify the broader category these keywords belong to.
Conversely, subtopics are the more specific queries that users enter in their Google search. They delve deeper into the nuances of the parent topic, addressing more detailed aspects or questions.
Understanding the relationship between the parent topic and its subtopics can help you determine which ones deserve their own dedicated pages.
This approach also aids in generating other keyword ideas that align well with both your parent topic and related subtopics, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive SEO strategy.
Understanding and Aligning with Search Intent
It is important to determine whether keywords are best suited for informational blog pages, product pages, or category pages. This alignment with search intent ensures that your content effectively meets the needs of your audience.
For some keywords, the intended use may be obvious. However, you will need to carefully study the others for search intent. This analysis is crucial to ensure your content is relevant and valuable to your target audience.
When analyzing search intent, factor in the following.
  • Type: Whether the intent is informational, transactional, navigational, or commercial.
  • Format: The preferred content format, such as articles, videos, product listings, or infographics.
  • Angle: The unique perspective or approach that resonates most with your audience.
If you identify a search intent that is not widely represented in current search results, consider giving it a chance.
Offering content that fills this gap can attract searchers looking for something different, potentially setting your site apart.
Prioritizing Keywords with High Business Potential
Prioritizing keywords with high business potential is often the least straightforward and extremely individual part of the keyword research process. It requires a tailored approach, as what works for one business may not be effective for another.
When considering which keywords to prioritize, ask yourself a range of questions.
  • What is the potential traffic that a keyword can bring?
  • How relevant is this keyword to my products or services?
  • What is the likely conversion rate for this keyword?
  • Does this keyword align with my business goals and marketing strategy?
Additionally, consider the keyword’s worth for your business. Assess how well each keyword aligns with your business objectives, potential revenue generation, and overall brand positioning.
This strategic approach ensures that the keywords you prioritize have the potential to contribute significantly to your business’s success.
Implementing Barnacle SEO and GSC Keyword Research
Your website’s attraction and visibility can be enhanced through Barnacle SEO and GSC (Google Search Console) keyword research. These methods offer unique approaches to improving your site’s search engine rankings.
Barnacle SEO involves leveraging the authority of other well-established sites to rank on the first page of search results.
By associating your content with these authoritative sites, you can enhance your own visibility and credibility in the eyes of search engines.
GSC, or Google Search Console, provides in-depth statistics from any Google search, giving you insights into what people are searching for.
Utilizing this tool allows you to understand search trends and optimize your content surrounding those keywords more effectively.
This approach can significantly improve your content’s relevance and search performance.
Monitoring and Evaluating Keyword Performance
It is necessary to use tools to analyze your keyword rankings and performance. This analysis is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your SEO strategy and making informed business decisions.
These tools help you track your site’s rankings for specific keywords and identify changes over time. Monitoring these trends is key to understanding how your content resonates with search engines and users.
Regularly evaluating keyword performance can help you identify underperforming keywords.
This insight allows you to optimize your content, making adjustments to improve its performance and ensure better alignment with your SEO goals.

Top Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research may seem intimidating, especially with all the statistics and analysis involved to help you find the right keywords.
Fortunately, there are many SEO optimization tools, including keyword research tools, available online that can do the heavy lifting for you.
While there are a number of free keyword research tools, some may require a subscription to fully use the tool.
However, all the tools offered below can serve as an excellent investment and offer excellent returns in the long run.
Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool primarily designed for keyword research and is especially useful in the context of paid advertising campaigns and Google ads.
This tool is best for researching paid keywords, often called PPC (Pay-Per-Click) keyword research. It is tailored to assist in finding keywords that could drive the most traffic to your site through paid search campaigns.
A stand-out feature of Google Keyword Planner is its forecasting features and budget planning capabilities. It offers detailed insights into potential ad performance and budget considerations for different keywords.
The Google Keyword Planner is free, even if you do not use Google Ad campaigns. It can also pull keyword suggestions directly from your website, offering personalized and relevant keyword ideas.
However, it is not as helpful for organic keyword research. Its focus is more on the paid aspect of keyword planning and less on organic SEO strategies.
In terms of rating, Google Keyword Planner is one of the best keyword research tools, but you can get more out of it if you are using Google Ads consistently. It integrates seamlessly with paid campaign planning, making it a valuable tool for advertisers.
SEMrush is a comprehensive digital marketing tool widely recognized for its advanced SEO capabilities.
It is best suited for advanced SEO professionals who require detailed insights for strategic planning. SEMrush offers a level of granularity in keyword data that is unmatched, making it ideal for in-depth data analysis.
They also provide a keyword research template, making it stand out from similar tools.
This will help you create a content brief that can easily prioritize keywords you want to rank for while considering how your competitors rank in the process.
One of the critical advantages of SEMrush is its wide range of specialized keyword research tools. Additionally, it offers a generous free plan that provides a good starting point for new users.
That said, its interface and extensive features can be overwhelming for those with less experience in SEO. Also, the cost of upgrading to more advanced features can be quite expensive.
In terms of pricing, SEMrush’s free plan allows for ten analytics reports and tracking of 1 keyword per day. For more extensive features, paid plans start at $119.95 a month, offering a broader range of tools and capabilities for more advanced users.
Ahrefs is a well-known SEO tool offering a comprehensive suite of features for keyword research and website analysis.
It is best known for its breadth, providing extensive data and analytics across various aspects of SEO. Ahrefs stands out for its versatility and depth, particularly regarding keyword analysis.
A unique feature of Ahrefs is its capability to conduct keyword research for platforms beyond Google, including YouTube, Amazon, and Bing. This makes it a valuable tool for diverse digital marketing strategies.
Ahrefs is mostly a free tool for keyword research, which covers a broad array of SEO use cases. It is user-friendly and offers functionalities not simply limited to search engine queries, making it versatile and accessible to many users.
However, the free plans offer limited data, which might not be sufficient for in-depth SEO analysis or larger-scale projects.
Ahrefs’ pricing structure includes the following.
  • Free Keyword Generator: Offers 150 keyword suggestions with limited data.
  • Free Keyword Difficulty Checker: Provides a difficulty score, backlink estimate, and a basic SERP overview.
  • Paid plans start at $99/month, offering more extensive features and in-depth data for advanced SEO research and strategy.
Ubersuggest is a popular SEO tool that has gained recognition for its user-friendly interface and effective keyword research capabilities.
It is best known for being both affordable and straightforward to use, making it an excellent choice for individuals or small businesses just starting with SEO. Ubersuggest provides straightforward and accessible keyword research tools.
In addition to keyword research, Ubersuggest offers reliable competitor and website analysis, allowing users to gain insights into their competition and overall market trends.
The pros of using Ubersuggest include its ease of use and the affordability of its pro version, which offers more in-depth analysis for users ready to take their SEO strategy to the next level.
However, Ubersuggest only has limited features compared to more comprehensive SEO tools, and some users have reported occasional tool issues.
Ubersuggest is available for free with basic features, making it a great entry-level option. For those requiring more advanced capabilities, the pro version is available for $29/month, offering an affordable solution for more detailed SEO analysis and functionality.
Google Trends
Google Trends is a valuable tool provided by Google that allows users to analyze the popularity of top search queries across various regions and languages.
It is particularly effective for analyzing trends, making it an indispensable tool for marketers looking to understand shifts in the public interest and seasonal trends in real-time.
Google Trends offers real-time and pure data directly from Google’s own search data, providing authentic insights into what users are searching for at any given moment.
Google Trends provides daily or monthly trend data, making it an excellent resource for market research. It is designed to help users understand how search queries change over time and across different regions.
However, it offers limited features in terms of related topics and queries, which might restrict in-depth analysis.
The best part about Google Trends is that it is another completely free keyword research tool, making it accessible to anyone looking to gain insights into search trends without any cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let us discuss the most common questions about keyword research and how it can help you develop your brand’s SEO strategy.

Keyword research is important for your website because it helps you rank in search engine search results.
A good keyword research strategy and proper use of these keywords make it easier for search engines to crawl through your content to determine its relevance for specific queries.
The higher you rank, the easier it is to gain organic traffic and increase the chances of sales for your site.
It also proves your authority and expertise in your niche, establishing the brand of your website in the industry.

For the frequency of conducting keyword research, the rule of thumb is to conduct research once every six months to ensure you are always targeting the most valuable and relevant keywords for your site.

However, it will still depend on the type of content you are publishing.

You can also consider the following situations.

  • Industry Trends: In fast-changing industries like technology or fashion, conduct keyword research more frequently to stay updated with emerging trends.
  • Seasonal Trends: Annual keyword research is essential for seasonal businesses to capture and stay abreast of seasonal search trends.
  • New Product Launches: Conduct research when launching new products to identify relevant keywords for your new offerings.
  • Competitor Analysis: Regularly check competitors’ keywords, especially if they start ranking for new terms.
  • Changes in Search Algorithms: Update your keyword research when significant search algorithm changes occur to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness.

By staying updated in these situations, you can easily optimize your content and ensure that your site is always ready to rank in search results.

Some of the best online keyword research tools include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, and Google Trends.

However, some of these can offer more features and better analyze keywords if you subscribe to their site compared to simply using their free keyword research plans.

These premium versions can provide you with a more in-depth analysis and statistics of your competitors’ content, search volume of certain keywords, and unique keyword ideas that you can rank for.

While a paid keyword tool may be more likely to give you the right values for search traffic or keyword data, many free options can still help your blog post perform better online, especially if you are not yet making money with your online presence.

You can choose the right keywords for your website by doing the following.

  • Create a list of essential topics. These are the ones you want to rank for and categorize them based on what kinds of keywords they are, like long-tail vs. short-tail or parent keyword vs. subtopic.
  • Look for how your competitors use these keywords. You can easily do this by running a quick Google search or by using a keyword research tool to analyze other sites for you.
  • Look for related research terms and other relevant topics. These are words or queries people may look up when researching your topic or niche.
  • Enhance your list by using different keyword research tools. These tools provide you with the relevant statistics you need to further understand your keyword ideas, including keyword difficulty, search volume, and more.

Once you have the right keywords, you can create your content accordingly.

However, you can still get new keyword ideas despite already having your content up. It is important to monitor your content’s performance and online trends for keywords and update as needed.

Head terms are short keywords, usually only 1 to 2 words long, that provide the general topic of a query.
These are normally targeted by more prominent brands that may already have authority over a niche, which may make it difficult for smaller sites to rank for.
A great example is the word “dog,” which may be a broad topic that can have many queries, from pet health to grooming and more.
On the other hand, long-tail keywords are more specific queries, usually 3 to 5 words long.
These are more specific and are usually easier to rank for. However, a long-tail keyword also runs the risk of being too obscure to get enough traffic to compete with more difficult variations of the keyword, especially if it is not usually searched.
Going back to the dog example, long-tail keywords may include phrases like “what dogs eat” or “how to take care of a dog.


Keyword research for SEO is vital in improving search traffic and getting more eyes on your brand online.
It has been used by different professionals, from marketing large brands to knowledge bases offering general information about a niche topic.
Different strategies, like listing down possible keywords and using free keyword research tools to analyze keyword difficulty and search volume, can help change how you formulate your overall content.
These practices and strategies ensure that your content is SEO-friendly, consider what people search for, and ensure that your content reaches its intended audience and your intended customers see your products.