
Top Most ON Page SEO Factors to Consider in 2018

By KeeverSEO Team
3 August 2023 . 2 min read
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Over the past few years, Google has successfully released a number of updates to their search engine algorithm, out of which Penguin, Panda and the Hummingbird were the prevalent ones.

Also, these updates amplified a set of new rules on how the owners should structure their sites in terms of link building (talking about both incoming and outgoing links!). Despite these updates, on-page SEO has not changed that much. Every single On-page SEO task is really for the benefit of the user.

As we all know Google wants to keep its users happy especially when they visit your webpage. This is only possible if you keep them engaged when they visit your website. But, how much time do they spend reading your content on your website? Or more importantly did they even read it at all? Make sure you do the following to enhance both clickthroughs and readthroughs in 2018.

1. Keep a Check on Site Speed

According to a recent research, it was found that around 47% of the targeted audience expects your website to load-up in a few seconds. Do not forget! An inadvertent piece of content can slow down the indexing of your website. Therefore, you need to keep a regular check on your website and remove duplicate or inaccurate content regularly.

It does make sense. After we all hate waiting, Right?

The studies also show that a small delay of even a second on your website can lead to 7% reduction in conversions. SO, in case the results of your webpage are not optimal, don’t worry! There are various things to do that increase the speed of your site.

2. Understand the theory of Essential Tag Fundamentals

Are you one of those who tend to take Meta tags seriously?

Even though the effect of these tags has changed considerably over the past years, it is still a good practice you can consider going for.

In an On-Page SEO, the major types of Meta Tags are (Shh.. We have listed only those that are real attention seekers! And of course you should let them have it!

•    Title Tags: These are defined as the title of your webpage or your document. The ideal length of a title tag must be 50-60 characters (not words).

•    Meta Description: It is what the search engine uses to understand what topic you are working on and what audience they should exactly send to your page. The ideal length of a Meta Description is 160 Characters.

3. Create the Content That Drives More Search Traffic

As we all know content is the backbone of a booming business and On-Page SEO is the backbone of Content Marketing. You have probably heard someone saying that CONTENT IS KING!

But there is way more to effective content marketing than just being CONTENT. You have to publish content that will drive traffic and result in the growth of your business. This also means you can use specific keywords in there along with the Long Tail anchor word.

Today, customers are smarter than you think. So, you need to be willing to listen to their problems and understand their requirements. Remember, their search to seek a solution motivates them to ask questions, and that can give you the exact knowledge about what they really want from you.

Write Content that drives traffic!

4. Learn Optimizing Crawlability

SEO is not rocket science. In fact, the only difference is that people who generate the most outcomes for their websites are not operating at a higher plane than the rest of us. They just work a bit harder on the basic elements that are required to be taken care of.

There are three crucial factors that every SEO expert or webmaster must go for to increase the value of their webpage in the year of 2018:

•    Crawlability
•    Content
•    Link building

If you are not familiar with the term Crawlability, a quick search on Google will help! Here, you need to understand that search spiders are not as intelligent as they may have been depicted to be by many SEO gurus.

In case the link you added to your webpage is broken, the spider won’t be able to crawl your website easily. They are not programmed to look for the right link. Instead, they will simply stop there!

Yes, this may lead to poor performance in search engine results.

Well, Search Engine Optimization was never a “SET IT AND FORGET IT” scheme and it will never be. In actuality it is a continuous process of learning wherein you put yourself in the shoes of your users and create a remarkable webpage to attract them.

Do not forget, a search engine spider follows the links you add. Therefore, it is much easier for them to pick up your latest content page from a link that you just added on your homepage than by penetrating high and low for it.

Try to spend time on link building and understand how spiders perform and how they improve your ranking on search engines.

Scott Keever

About the Author:
Scott Keever is the owner of Scott Keever SEO, a professional and reliable Internet Marketing company Tampa FL with a core specialization in helping businesses to grow exponentially. Join hands with us to take your business to a new height of success.

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Scott Keever

CEO, Keever SEO

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