Mobile Friendly And Responsive Websites

In 2019 and beyond it’s more important than ever before for businesses and organizations to review their existing website and evaluate the performance of the current design and layout.
Over the last few years, there have been significant changes to search engine ranking algorithms. These changes impact how websites of all types and sizes get indexed and ranked in results.
The most significant adjustment made to search engine ranking algorithms was Google’s switch to “Mobile First Indexing.” This change in how Google indexes and ranks websites in their search results are in direct response to changes in user habits.
Mobile Friendly And Responsive Websites
While the use of desktop computers is still significant, the use of mobile devices to access the internet has skyrocketed over the last few years. Not surprisingly, the trends in demand for high-speed broadband services have also decreased over recent years. An increasing number of Americans rely on their smartphones for all online access at home. Nearly one-in-five US adults access the Internet through only their Smartphone.
To accommodate for these shifts in cellular user patterns, Google implemented mobile first indexing. This version of their search index gives mobile-friendly websites preference over websites that aren’t responsive for smaller, handheld devices.
Not only does this change to indexing and ranking improve the end-user experience, but it also rewards businesses and organizations who follow mobile protocols with qualified website traffic.

What This Means For Website Operators

If you are starting your business website or you’re in the process of revamping your current site, now is the time to step up with a responsive website design. By doing so, you’re moving to the front of the class with the state-of-the-art technology that Google and other major search engines want for their results set.
While this might sound quite complicated, the truth is when you work with a designer who understands responsive websites, getting a mobile friendly site couldn’t be easier. Instead of needing to figure everything out on your own, you can rely on your designer to make the necessary upgrades that help keep you competitive online.
You want to provide the best user experience possible. Search engines want to reward you for your decision to offer website visitors a user interface that works well with all screens. When you invest in a website designed to work on screens and monitors of all sizes, you can rest comfortably knowing that your website visitors have an enjoyable experience. It makes no difference whether they are using a Smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, a computer monitor, or even a widescreen television!

Outrank Your Competition

Another significant advantage of having a responsive website design is you get to rank ahead of your competitors who don’t have responsive designs.
When you combine a mobile friendly website with search engine optimization, you have a win-win situation on your hands. By following the best practices for SEO, website operators can catapult their website traffic and corresponding inquiries, conversions, and sales through the roof.
For companies offering localized services or appeal to a specific niche market, the responsible use of search engine optimization tactics, relevant keywords, and “mobile first” indexing is a match made in heaven.
The search engines love your site because they can provide suitable answers for mobile and desktop internet searchers. Website visitors enjoy your site because it formats on their web device and responds quickly to requests. And your business gets the benefit of preferred listings on the busiest search engines in use today.
Other benefits of a mobile-ready site include:


Responsive websites have fluidity. This feature enables the content on the site to freely move across the viewing monitor or screen without distractions or broken design elements. The framework of the site adjusts to match the viewing screen of the website visitor.


There is no reason to overlook meeting the requirements that mobile internet users demand. By investing in site upgrades, you can assure that your business or Organizational website doesn’t get left on the desktop.
Outrank Your Competition

Easy Management

Once designed, mobile-ready websites aren’t any harder to manage than sites that aren’t mobile ready. The design doesn’t affect the website or user management. And of course, the site and management tools are still accessible using your desktop, laptop, or tablet computer.

Faster Web Page Load Times

Responsive websites are designed to load quickly to act in response to user requests. For people accessing your site using Smartphones and mobile devices, every millisecond counts! Website latency and wait times are a significant reason many people leave websites quickly. Fast loading mobile-ready websites help keep your site visitors happy during their visit.

Decreased Bounce Rates

An optimized responsive mobile site contributes to the improved user experience for your site visitors. For this reason, the chances are good that they’ll spend some extra time at your website navigating your pages. After all, fast loading webpages help visitors find out what your business or organization has to offer. Longer time spent on site by visitors helps reduce your bounce rate and improves your overall user metrics.

Increased Conversion Rates

As it relates to mobile website optimization, the first step to increase conversion rates is decreasing your bounce rate. Once you’ve improved your bounce rates, conversion rates are sure to follow. By providing a seamless user experience that is compatible with all devices is critical for conversion rates. Users should be able to complete all steps of a sales or sign-up process regardless of what device they are using. Responsive sites are ideal because there are never objects that are too big for the viewer screen.

Mobile Use Is Going Nowhere But Up

According to recent reports from Pew Research estimates that almost five billion people in the world own a Smartphone. In the US alone, the adoption of Smartphones increased from 35% in 2011 when Pew first started tracking Smartphone data to 77% in 2018. This represents a 42% increase in a short seven years time.
Regardless of whether your company or Organization caters to worldwide visitors or you focus on a specific niche or demographic, having a mobile website is critical to staying competitive and growing out your business model online. With millions of more people expected to adopt Smartphones in the coming years, you don’t want to miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.
It’s one of those natural progressions in your business life cycle and something that helps take your company to the next level. You’ll soon find it to be a worthy business investment.