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Semantic SEO Briefly Explained

During the early days of the internet, search engines like Google typically took the literal meaning of specific words and did not consider why you were searching for them.
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However, as technology and search engines developed, so did how search engines understood languages and search behaviors. Now, you can get immediate answers to any question with enough additional context.
This change was brought about by semantic search engine optimization (SEO). Site owners who optimized their content with semantic SEO gained a wider visibility range, higher quality content, and long-term growth.
This guide details semantic SEO, how it affects your content, and the best ways to use it for further success.

Understanding Semantic SEO

Before we delve into semantic SEO elements, let’s define semantics and search engine optimization.
Semantics is the study of the meaning in language. As people worldwide speak different languages and input search queries differently, search engines use words with the same connections to broaden the search output.
For example, you input a search with the word “soccer” in it. Anyone understands that soccer refers to the sport, but search engines may consider how other countries use “football” instead of soccer.
By considering semantics, Google shows pages related to both soccer and football. Since both words are grouped under the relation “sport,” sites on this search engine results page (SERP) benefit from a visibility and relevancy boost.
Search engine optimization organically improves a site’s visibility on SERPs through relevant content and technical site elements.
Building from that, semantic SEO involves optimizing your content for specific topics rather than focusing on keywords.
Understanding the relationship between words and topics improves the content’s quality and user engagement.
The Emergence of Semantic SEO
Before semantic SEO existed, statistical keyword research and natural language processing (NLP) were the norm.
Statistical keyword research noted the number of times users entered words in multiple languages into search engines. Words with the highest frequency were considered the most relevant for search results.
While search engines still use statistical keyword research models today to determine site rankings, it does not consider how some words do not accurately fit certain search queries.
Natural language processing was developed to ensure any search shows accurate information. Through NLP, computers use artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and manipulate human language.
NLP understands your search query and why you are searching for it. NLP developments created knowledge graphs detailing the relationships between words.
As NLP and AI develop, semantic SEO uses these technologies to show relevant information that matches user intent.
Semantic SEO vs Traditional SEO: A Comparison
Traditional search engine optimization focuses on exact keyword matches, while semantic SEO focuses on understanding the search intent behind keywords and providing relevant context.
For example, say a search query has the word “cube.” Traditional SEO takes the literal meaning of a cube, referring to the geometric shape.
However, semantic SEO understands that “cube” may also mean a toy. Through this, the search results will show articles on both cube-shaped toys and geometric shapes.
Semantic SEO broadens the results range and brings more visibility to subtopics related to each keyword.
Significance of Semantic SEO in Search Engines
Semantic SEO is significant to search engines because it improves user experience and delivers more information without checking multiple links.
There are four different search intent types that semantic SEO considers:
  • Navigational: A user searches for a specific website.
  • Informational: A user searches for information about specific topics.
  • Commercial Investigation: A user searches for opinions on specific products or services.
  • Transactional: A user searches for a specific product or brand.
Understanding your audience’s search intent helps you write content to fit their needs. By answering relevant questions, your content quality improves.
Search engines recognize sites that match the user’s search intent, which can potentially lead to higher SERP rankings for your website and an improved search experience.
Semantic SEO and User Experience: A Connection
Semantic SEO ensures better user experience (UX) through these factors:
  • Accurate Search Results: Using NLP to understand how humans input search queries can help semantic SEO provide more specific answers, positively helping users.
  • Improved Site Structure: Semantic SEO optimizes your site’s structural hierarchy, showing more relevant topics than others. Both search engines and users better navigate through your site, increasing UX.
  • Rich Snippets and SEO Features: Rich snippets show content previews and additional information. Semantic SEO allows your content to be formatted this way, benefiting users and your site.

The Value of Semantic SEO

Site owners should focus on improving content quality, but their efforts can only go so far without semantic SEO.
Semantic SEO has many benefits that can positively affect a site’s performance. Incorporating it into a website provides your audience with beneficial information and long-term organic growth.
Advantages of Semantic SEO Implementation
While semantic SEO impacts user experience and search result accuracy, it has various other benefits that make it stand out.
Here are some of the key advantages of semantic SEO:
  • Long-Tail Keyword Targeting: Through semantic SEO, sites can better use long-tail keywords within their content to improve visibility.
  • Better Use of NLP: NLP understands how humans type conversationally. Semantic SEO uses NLP to grasp how users type to provide autocomplete or predicted results.
  • Voice Search: Google and other search engines allow users to input searches using their voice. Semantic SEO accurately provides results regardless of phrasing by understanding how people talk.
  • Cross-Platform Visibility: As more users rely on mobile search engines, semantic SEO ensures accuracy regardless of which platform people use.
Semantic SEO and its benefits give a competitive edge while ensuring your content remains relevant for long periods.
The Role of Semantic SEO in Boosting SERP Rankings
While humans easily understand semantic differences, search engines need guidance.
Semantic SEO provides this guidance by giving more context to content, and search engines reward this effort through SERP rankings.
If search engines understand your content more clearly than others due to your proper utilization of semantic SEO, they can explore your site faster, improving relevancy.
Quality content and semantic SEO can both help enhance search engine position while encouraging your audience to further engage with your site.
Semantic SEO's Influence on User Engagement and Conversions
For a better idea of how user experience affects SEO, consider semantic SEO’s connection with user intent. Whenever you search for something, you expect direct answers to appear at the top of the SERP.
Sites utilizing semantic SEO have a better chance of their content featuring in this section, greatly helping their audience. The relevant content encourages these users to further browse their sites, improving engagement.
As more users explore their site, conversion rates increase. Conversions rates show the number of users performing desired actions on a site, such as completing inquiry forms or buying products.
With better user engagement and conversion rates, search engines recognize these sites as having high authority, enhancing their SERP rankings.

Semantic SEO: Behind the Scenes

Understanding how each word helps create a sentence’s structure is crucial when you learn a new language.
The same applies to semantic SEO, as its behind-the-scenes technology understands how all keywords fit under various categories.
To grasp how semantic SEO works, it is essential to comprehend its algorithmic and AI-based foundation. By knowing how these technologies work under the surface, you can use them to your advantage.
Semantic SEO and Google's Algorithmic Updates
Your content may be of excellent quality and contain all the right keywords, but it may not rank high due to algorithm updates.
Google’s algorithm updates significantly impact how various sites rank. These changes improve the relevance and accuracy of search results, checking that no site is taking advantage of others for high rankings.
SEO changes from Google updates are equally significant, as sites that do not adapt their content to new updates can quickly fall behind.
Here are a few important algorithmic updates and how they affect SEO:
  • Hummingbird: Released in 2013, this major update improved search result quality and introduced the Knowledge Graph. This tool helps Google better understand relationships between keywords and provide better results.
  • RankBrain: Using a machine learning algorithm, RankBrain uses semantic analysis to interpret ambiguous and niche keywords, delivering more accurate results.
  • BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): BERT is a language learning model that uses semantics to understand keywords and how they relate to one another, helping Google process broader search answers.
Though not specifically an algorithm update, E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is another vital metric used by Google to determine a site’s quality. Semantic SEO uses E-E-A-T to ensure the content is relevant and trustworthy for its audience.
Google continues to update its algorithm, and it’s important to stay updated with each change to check that your content improves alongside it.
AI and NLP: The Pillars of Semantic SEO
At its core, a combination of AI and NLP powers semantic SEO. These are how AI and NLP affect semantic SEO:
  • Understanding Search Intent: AI and NLP assist search engines in analyzing search queries and the user intent behind them. The resulting range broadens by going beyond the literal meaning of each keyword, and more users are helped.
  • AI and Structured Data: Structured data or schema markup is a tool that provides further context for various search queries. AI helps generate relevant schema markup into web pages, improving semantic SEO.
  • Machine Learning: Machine learning in SEO comprehends complex sentence structures, adapts to user behaviors, and refines search results.
  • NLP and User Behavior: As NLP understands how you type, Google takes note of your user behavior. Using AI, your search algorithm changes, and Google shows relevant results matching your search behavior.
For example, say you frequently search for “best cat food.” After a few searches, you may notice that the results cater more to your interests surrounding that keyword.
These changes are brought by AI, NLP, and sites using semantic SEO to their advantage.
Deciphering the Relationship Between Semantic Search and Semantic SEO
Semantic search is how search engines understand human language and deliver accurate search results.
The process considers deeper meanings behind each keyword and sentence structure changes, broadening what you see on SERPs.
In SEO, your main goal is to optimize your content to give your audience the most accurate information they are searching for.
Semantic search boosts SEO by providing a holistic, broader approach to user intent, covering more topic bases even if you do not mention them in your content.
When creating SEO content, tapping into the wider range of keywords from semantic SEO impacts your content’s visibility, potentially introducing more users to your site organically.

The Art of Semantic SEO Implementation

While semantic SEO’s benefits are clear, how can you use it?
Implementing semantic SEO relies heavily on understanding your audience’s needs.
Consider the intended result for every content you publish. Ask yourself these questions:
  • Why is my audience searching for this content?
  • How can this content benefit them?
  • What do I want to gain from publishing this content?
By understanding how your audience thinks and the desired results, you can use the wider range that semantic SEO provides to grow your audience.
Best Practices for Effective Semantic SEO
Though understanding user intent is a key element for optimized content, here are some other ways to enhance your content’s relevancy and foster engagement:
  • Using Structured Data Markup : Structured data follows a uniform code that works with multiple search engines, showing additional information without clicking links. By using these codes, your content can stand out while adding context.
  • Updating Your Linking Structure : Internal and external links help users navigate your site. With semantic SEO, you can include more pages within your link structure, encouraging your users to further explore your content.
  • Long-form Content : Longer content signals that your content has high authority and provides opportunities to include more keywords. However, ensure the content remains relevant and not reliant on length.
Semantic SEO furthers traditional SEO practices and ensures more people discover, interact with, and navigate through your content.
Conducting Keyword Research for Semantic SEO
Keyword analysis is a vital part of any SEO method. However, semantic SEO requires going beyond checking which keywords rank the highest.
Rather than focusing on each keyword individually, semantic SEO looks at keywords as groups or clusters. These keyword groups are your site’s semantic core.
The semantic core is the main group of keywords used in your site. Not only do they have the highest frequency across your content, but they align the most with your audience.
For example, a cooking website’s semantic core would involve only a handful of cooking-related keywords. While their content may delve further, the semantic core stays the same, ensuring their primary intended audience finds their content.
Here are three steps for effective keyword research and to build your semantic core:
  • Understand Your Target Goals and Audience: By knowing what your audience wants from your site, you can focus on specific keywords that can be applied throughout your content. This method optimizes the content and helps reach target goals.
  • Competitor Analysis: Check the keywords your competitors use or do not use. Analyze why they chose specific keywords and how their performance changed afterward.
  • Tracking Industry Trends: Staying relevant means adapting to current industry trends, so it is crucial to know the latest topics within your niche and include them as main keywords.
Proper keyword research is essential for understanding relevant keywords for a specific topic, and keeping your semantic core in mind helps create content that resonates with your audience.
Crafting Content with Semantic SEO in Mind
In the past, keyword stuffing or placing as many keywords as possible per sentence or paragraph was the norm. However, semantic SEO uses just enough keywords to explore a wider range of themes and topics rather than just one topic.
Remember why your reader needs this information when crafting content with semantic SEO. Check that the details you provide are relevant to their needs and give additional details to help them further.
These tips help create content with semantic SEO:
  • Use natural yet straightforward language.
  • Write in an engaging and relatable way.
  • Use popular keywords related to both the topic and your audience.
  • Use readable and simple formats that are easily digestible.
Identifying the user intent, outlining your content, and including relevant keywords are key practices for semantic SEO.
The Crucial Role of Entities in Semantic SEO
Keywords and entities may sound the same, but knowing the difference between them can help you identify relevant words and topics.
Entities are unique, identifiable concepts that are consistent across various contexts. They are not tied to specific phrases like keywords but represent larger ideas.
Examples include “apple” or “Mount Everest.” Entities must be unique and quickly identifiable by search engines and used within a site’s semantic core.
Entities affect semantic SEO by helping Google and other search engines associate keywords with real things, increasing search result accuracy.
As you create your content, be aware of the main entities within it. Including relevant entities ensures your content gains more visibility while increasing your audience.
The Importance of Structured Data in Semantic SEO
While humans can quickly recognize why certain content is relevant, computers need a format to know the content’s significance.
This format is known as structured data or schema markup. Structured data follows uniform codes across major search engines, showing relevant information such as user reviews, product prices, or contact details across various content types.
With structured data, search result accuracy increases. Upon searching for a product or business name, you can immediately find their contact details and user reviews within seconds.
By using structured data, search engines can better understand your content and display it accurately when various search queries are inputted.
Sites that utilize structured data appear first on SERPs as users appreciate the immediate information they provide.
Structured data helps organize your content into different types, and the hundreds of schema markup codes for each type keep the information consistent and relevant over time.

Advanced Techniques in Semantic SEO

Using advanced techniques for semantic SEO helps improve your site’s content and reach a broader audience.
Creating topic clusters, using semantic HTML, increasing backlinks, and updating on-page SEO elements all play a large role in organically boosting user engagement.
Exploring Topic Clusters in Semantic SEO
Topic clusters organize and link different keywords to each other under specific topics or categories. These topic clusters are the main theme, or “pillar content,” reflected within your site.
Like the semantic core, the pillar content is the main subject within your site. Surrounding the pillar content are subtopic clusters. These clusters relate to the main theme but focus on more specific keywords.
Using topic clusters in your semantic SEO strategy increases your site’s authority and relevancy within your industry.
When Google recognizes your topic clusters, it understands that your site has authoritative information about your niche, allowing more users to find it.
Topic clusters improve your site’s architecture, making it easier for search engines and users to navigate through your site.
Pages concerning smaller topic clusters also gain chances to rank high on SERPs because their content is relevant to their audience.
The Relevance of Semantic HTML in Semantic SEO
Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is the backbone of any website. It is the standard markup language for any material displayed on web browsers.
In HTML, you include tags to deliver specific content assets, build a site’s structure, and add scripts to change how a site is displayed.
Semantic HTML uses these tags to display meaningful content descriptions on your website. These additional descriptions help web crawlers understand your site’s structure faster.
A site without semantic HTML is like a book without chapter indicators or a table of contents. The ideas would be disorganized and difficult to understand.
With semantic HTML, the book has a table of contents, page indicators, and chapter names. Semantic HTML makes it easier for developers and web crawlers to know the context of each tag.
Semantic HTML is also helpful for increasing site accessibility. People with visual disabilities cannot see photos clearly, but semantic HTML uses alt text to describe photos.
Table tags within HTML code help organize data. With semantic HTML, table tags become clearer and easier for Google to understand.
Backlinks and Semantic SEO: A Synergistic Relationship
Backlinks are links from another website to your site. Sites with many backlinks rank highly because other websites use them as reference sources.
The importance of backlinks and how well they complement semantic SEO cannot be understated.
When you create semantic content, other sites within related niches can find your site. If the content is optimized, they may create content linking to your site.
More backlinks signal to Google that your content is relevant and authoritative within a topic or industry. Higher-quality backlinks also ensure deeper trust from your audience and other sites.
Since you optimized the content with semantic SEO, other sites within your niche will benefit from your content, even if you did not directly discuss their topics.
On-Page SEO Elements and Their Impact on Semantic SEO
Though content plays a large role in gaining relevancy on SERPs, optimizing on-page SEO elements also greatly contributes to how users view and interact with your site.
On-page SEO elements are part of a web page’s content that can be optimized.
These are important on-page elements and how they impact semantic SEO:
  • Title Tag: These contain your article’s title with the search query keyword included. With semantic SEO, you can use related keywords besides the main one to gain visibility.
  • Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions are short descriptions underneath the title tag, describing the link’s content, similar to a blurb. Semantic SEO allows you to include related keywords to provide more context.
  • Headings: Headings are parts of a content’s outline that further explain the topic. Use related phrases or entities within the heading to give more information to the reader.
  • Image Alt Text: Descriptive alt text for images within your content improves accessibility and allows more people to find your content through related entities.
  • Schema Markup Tags: Schema markup tags provide context to search engines about your content’s type and topics. Using semantic language within the tags further helps search engines understand your content.
  • Internal Links: Internal links use anchor text to briefly explain the linked content. Semantic SEO lets you use related words or phrases for the anchor text, helping readers understand the internal link in various ways.

The Application of Semantic SEO in Various Contexts

One of the best benefits of semantic SEO is its flexibility for various content types. Whether you create product articles, guides, or informational articles, semantic SEO gives the same results.
By using semantic SEO on various content types, your audience gains more information in different formats while improving your site’s relevancy within your niche.
The Intersection of Semantic SEO and Voice Search
Voice search has evolved from its early stages. Today, voice search is used by many to get information on the go or when they cannot type.
Everyone talks differently; in the past, search engines struggled to keep up with different sentence structures and phrasing. But over time, NLP and semantic SEO have helped improve voice search’s accuracy and understanding of human language.
SEO specialists have recognized that most people use long-tail keywords when using voice search. Incorporating these long-tail and other relevant keywords helps your content appear on the SERP.
These are strategies to optimize your content for voice search:
  • Focus on question-based queries. Consider users searching for something related to your topic but with questions like “what,” “when,” or “why.”
  • Use conversational language within your content. Include long-tail keywords that mimic how people normally talk while providing accurate information.
  • Use bullet points, direct sentences, and short descriptions to optimize the content for featured snippets.
  • Include local phrasing, terms, and slang if the content focuses on local SEO.
By aligning your writing style and content to sound as natural as possible, you can help more voice search users find your content.
Leveraging Semantic SEO for Local SEO
Whenever you search for a local business, you will notice details about them appear on the right side of the SERP.
These details come from local SEO, a strategy for businesses to increase visibility to their target audience within a specific area.
Businesses using local SEO can gain more visibility by quickly displaying details about their operating hours, customer reviews, and contact details to potential customers.
Here are strategies for improving your local SEO with semantic SEO:
  • Use relevant and natural-sounding language to describe your business in your Google Business Profile listing.
  • Include local keywords that reflect how people within that area input search queries.
  • Create location-specific pages within your content focusing on localized services. This way, people from within or nearby areas can find your content easier.
  • Use schema markup code to create rich snippets containing key details about your business on the SERPs’ right side.
  • Check that the site’s interface is mobile-friendly and accessible.
Semantic SEO boosts local SEO by organically broadening the audience range and introducing new potential clients to your business.
The Role of Semantic SEO in E-commerce
E-commerce sites use semantic SEO to optimize product pages to align with user search intent.
Sites that use descriptive, conversational, and understandable language to describe their products gain better rankings as they cater to how their audience thinks and talks.
For instance, say their target audience searches for clothes with a specific pattern. E-commerce sites with semantic SEO in mind include keywords and content related to this search query, helping customers find their products faster.
Not only are they describing their products more efficiently, but semantic SEO improves navigation throughout the site, upgrading the user experience further.
Structured data helps improve e-commerce sites through featured snippets showing customer star reviews, prices, and availability. These features ease the user experience by providing what their audience searches for.
Semantic SEO and Social Media: A Collaborative Approach
Social media has continuously changed the SEO game across all industries. Today, practically every business needs an online presence to gain more visibility and traffic.
Creating relatable image posts, infographics, or videos with semantic language broadens the visibility range more than before.
Social media informs site owners of the latest trends within their industry, which they can incorporate into their semantic SEO strategy.
Though followers and post likes are not a ranking factor, higher engagement increases audience growth, positively affecting your main site’s SERP rankings.
You can combine local SEO with social media using geotargeted marketing campaigns. These campaigns are made for audiences in specific areas, and social media helps make the campaign more visible and accessible to them.
Utilizing semantic SEO in your social media content boosts visibility while encouraging your growing audience to visit your main site.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Semantic SEO

AI, NLP, and SEO have greatly evolved. As AI and generative search results become more advanced, semantic SEO may bring more changes than expected.
As the internet and user search behavior change daily, anticipating semantic SEO’s future is crucial in ensuring your content is ready for these changes.
Is the Internet Prepared for Semantic SEO?
Technology today relies on speed. If any user searches for something and is greeted by a slow-loading web page, a lack of featured snippets, or little information about a topic, their user experience is immediately affected.
While semantic SEO and NLP have evolved enough to accurately predict most things a user will type, not all results are accurate.
Algorithmic changes, new trending topics, and varying loading speeds can make it difficult for many users to find specific information.
However, as more site owners realize the changes within their audience’s search intent, semantic SEO helps broaden their visibility range and cater to new trending topics within their niche.
While semantic SEO greatly benefits sites of all industries, further education and awareness of it may help improve the accuracy and relevancy of certain search results.
Challenges Associated with Semantic SEO
While semantic SEO continuously benefits numerous websites, its downsides may deter people from using it.
These are common challenges many site owners may face while using semantic SEO:
  • Complexity Level: Semantic SEO requires an understanding of how NLP, algorithms, and structured data work. Keeping these complex subjects in mind may be difficult for site owners who are not proficient in coding or technology.
  • Constant Algorithm Changes: New topics, trends, and Google updates affect semantic SEO. Keeping up with these changes alongside other business factors is difficult for many.
  • Perception as a “Unnecessary” Tool: Though semantic SEO’s goal of improving accuracy and relevancy is helpful, it does not always equate to immediate success. Multiple factors can affect ranking, making semantic SEO seem nearly unnecessary.
  • Limited Awareness: Other than being viewed as an unnecessary tool, not every site owner uses semantic SEO. Because of this, the way search engines understand semantic SEO may still be limited.
Knowing these challenges is crucial before optimizing your content for semantic search.
The Revolutionary Potential of Semantic SEO
An exciting part of semantic SEO is how it evolves alongside AI, NLP, and the algorithm. Though it may pose a challenge to some, these changes boost visibility and accuracy in the long term.
These are key areas where future updates can affect semantic SEO’s potential:
  • NLP and Changing Language Structures: New slang and sentence structure changes affect NLP. As search engines develop to understand how humans talk, semantic SEO’s accuracy is affected.
  • Advancements in AI: AI is one of the fastest-growing technologies today. Since AI powers semantic SEO, major AI developments within search engines can affect semantic SEO performance.
  • Algorithm Developments: Algorithms are molded daily by changing trends and topics. As Google uses algorithms to show top results, sites using semantic SEO must be mindful of these changes.
  • Voice Search Updates: Like NLP, voice search technologies continuously advance to correctly process how humans talk. Voice-friendly content may be the future of semantic SEO as more people rely on voice search.
Semantic SEO may become more widely used as technology develops and becomes more user-friendly.
While staying updated with these changes is beneficial, ensure you are ready to adapt to changes within these systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Semantic SEO provides a great visibility boost for various sites but has many complex associated details.
Here are quick answers to common questions you may have about semantic SEO.

Semantic search generates accurate search results by understanding search intent and the relationships between words.
Semantic SEO optimizes websites by understanding the query’s context and deeper search intent, leading to better visibility within SERPs.

Semantic SEO enhances the search experience by optimizing site content for semantic search algorithms and natural language processing.
Users receive more accurate and detailed results from sites that understand user behavior and search query contexts.

These are common steps for optimizing content with semantic SEO:
  1. Understand your audience’s search intent or why they might search for your content.
  2. Know the content type and the main keywords that match the content.
  3. Create topic clusters about the main keywords.
  4. Do further keyword research to identify the top keywords for your content’s topic.
  5. Write the content understandably and directly while using conversational language.
  6. Ensure that you include your semantic core and related keywords within the content.
  7. Utilize structured data codes to format the page’s details for featured snippets.
  8. Ensure the descriptive HTML tags help search engines parse your content.
  9. Use connected social media platforms to promote the content with semantic language.
  10. Monitor the content’s performance and check for algorithmic updates.
AI and NLP impact semantic SEO by helping search engines better understand human language. This impact leads to an improved search experience and more relevant content.
Semantic SEO affects website rankings by focusing on topics as a whole rather than individual keywords, bringing more relevant and in-depth content to the top of SERPs. Semantic SEO helps search engines understand your content faster, increasing the chances of higher SERP rankings.


Semantic SEO’s potential to increase search engine accuracy makes it a worthy tool to add to your digital marketing strategy.
By optimizing your content to fit conversational language, updating on-page elements to enhance SERP rankings, and staying updated with AI and NLP updates, your site may gain a large boost without resorting to paid methods.
Remember to continuously research structured data, AI, and NLP practices. Always keep the user’s search intent in mind to ensure that your content accurately matches their search intent.
Through constant implementation and practice, search engines may gradually reward your extra efforts and help take your site to the top.